MSP430 and mspgcc Compiler

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Newbie level 3
Jan 11, 2004
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Does someone know the gnu cross compiler gcc for the TI MSP430?

This tool ist written for Linux but in my case I have to use the Windows version. And I face several problems. First of all the make command doesn't work as it is written in the manual and I had to write a batch command file to make the c source code. Currently I am able to make simple source code into a *.dbg file and I can load it in the included insight debugger. But I have no idea how to download the code into the hardware. I've started the proxy for the connection with the JTAG interface but unfortunately the tool says that no hardware can be found.

Has anyone experience with this microprocessor and does anyone know how to use this developerpackage?

P.S Please excuse my bad english. It's not my native tongue.

I used the precompiled version that comes with a neat installer for windows. But to make the sourcecode I had to write the compiler commands into a seperate batch file because the make tool didn't work for me. And now I can only load the created dbg file into the debugger program but to download the file into the target I have to communicate through the proxy program that is included. However this proxy program that should be the interface between tcp and jtag does not find the target hardware although you can not misconfigure the settings. It should be plug'n play but it doesn't work.I tried several windows operating systems on different machines but neither did work.

During the next months it is my trainee task to setup the controller so that it can be used for microcontroller experiments. Thats the reason why I planned to use this freeware so that it is possible to try the hardware at home without any licencing problems.

I'd like to inform you that now it works. So far I think it's a hardware problem. The gdbproxy doesn't run on all systems I tried. But it works in my office and thats the best thing...

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