[SOLVED] MRF24WB0MA chip inquiry

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Full Member level 2
Oct 27, 2010
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can this chip from microchip be used with other controller not from pic, or it's only designed to work with pic controllers??. what are the difference between MRF24WG0MA and MRF24WB0MA ?? is there other chip which can give my embedded system wireless internet connection through wifi, with the same capability and cheap price other than those chip??

Yes, it can.

I was considering porting the code to ARM when I can across this port for AVR ATmega:

WiFi Bee

There are other ports available as well, just perform a google search for the MRF24 family of WiFi modules.

I believe the difference between various models is the transmission power level (dbm) and possible reception as well.

You might want to take advantage of Microchip's monthly special on the:

MRF24WB0MA Wi-Fi PICtail/PICtail Plus Daughter Board

At 43% off, it brings the price down to less than $20 for the module on a nice breakout board.

thanks so much, that was so helpful. could you kindly recommend also other chips for me which can give me both wifi and bluetooth connectivity?

can I implement an embedded system which can be accessed through wifi or internet to read data and control some peripheral using wireless chip like MRF24J40MA instead of MRF24WB0MA?? The reason I am asking this question because I can see hardware supported by contiki os using pic32mx795f512l with mrf24j40 to access internet, so I think this would be cheaper to use mrf24j40 instead of MRF24J40MA if i can.

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