MPLB and ICD2 for testing circuit

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Full Member level 2
Nov 1, 2004
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mplb icd2

Hi guys,
I am looking to get an ICD2 and was wondering if anyone could help me with these questions.

Coming from a motorola hc11 background, I use Jbug11 talker to test my ciurcuit connected to the hc11 eg. by placing values to port A and B etc... then examine if the circuit is behaving accordingly.

I would like to know if I can do the same with mplb/ICD2 also is it possible to use mplb to read the value of the adc and ports A, B etc.... on the pic and monitor it in mplb in real time?


Of course. when you debug, you can manualy set all ports, and read them too, but first set correct direction bits TRISA,TRISB,etc.
A/D needs code to do the conversion, but place brek points after conversion and read the output.

Hi Beowolf,
Thanks for your quick reply, really appreciate your help!

In Jbug11, I can write value to the ports direct eg port address follow by value.

What I am trying to find out is the procedure of debuging in MPLB, so very much like the jbug11; in MPLB you just need to write code to set the direction of port and value then you can read or write to port in real time? And to read a port MPLB it can display the value of whats been placed at the port?

Likewise in ADC, I just need to write the set up code then the MPLB can display voltage connected to ADC?

In MpLab, using icd2, you can directly edit entire memory, in which are also mapped control registers. So you can write some small program, stop the program on any instruction while in debug mode, and open memory, view/edit any register, and then continue the program from any point by moving program counter.

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