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mp3 as final year project

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Apr 20, 2007
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mp3 final year projects

can you plzzz suggest that is mp3 on fpga still a good final year project....i f not plzzz suggest any new ideas that me can use as ma final year project.....

hi according to me if u able to get all concepts of mp3 player on FPGA,u r in grest demand in the market,go a head,and all the best.


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
thnx guys for ur suggestions....our group has a choice to make....we have two options...either to do mp3 on fpga as fyp or go ahead with industrial automation project where we automate temp furnace or machine like that....we want to do fyp keepin on mind abt jobs...we live in pakistan where there are only few hardware design companies but lots of industries....wht do you say....mp3 or industrial automation....

Added after 13 minutes:

thnx guys for ur suggestions....our group has a choice to make....we have two options...either to do mp3 on fpga as fyp or go ahead with industrial automation project where we automate temp furnace or machine like that for a company....we want to do fyp keepin on mind abt jobs...we live in pakistan where there are only few hardware design companies but lots of industries....wht do you say....mp3 or industrial automation....

Hi frnd,still i suggest u to go a head with mp3 ,becoz it has such a technical stuff and shows ur excellence,once we have knowldege and technical skills,jobs come in our way.


Hi friend,

I will also suggest to go with mp3 project as it will help u to work in DSP line which is emerging one. Very few people prefer to work in DSP so go ahead with it.

THNKS FOR SUPPORT.....I REALLY NEEDED THAT....i am goin with mp3....:l:D

Added after 9 minutes:

btw can anybody advice me on whats the best way to get project completed on time....what should me do initially....first step....things to avoid.....comon its ma first final year project after all :l:D:cry:

I planned to do mp3 decoder in fpga as my final year proj. Hav u completed ur proj? Wat r d probs u faced? Gimme ur feedbacks about dis proj.. how far dis proj helped u in learning concepts??

sorry for late reply...yes sure we did complete this project....but not in an efficient way but did enough to satisfy requirements....the problems we faced were everything from financial as well as researched based.....fpga we selected was VERTEX PRO2...for us it was quite thing u will need is IEEE account...u will need to most of the better looking material was only available on ieee site..those thesis might be available at other site but u will have to search for hours...this project involves coding and lots of coding...u wont find working code on internet... this project would enable u to learn in depth about two or even three fields...dsp, fpga n if u want to go far enough microcontrollers....u can use ur mp3 decoder and make mp3 player...but it depeds on u.....

Best thing about this project was it helped me land in ma first job n that too jus after a week ma final result was declared.

brother why donot u post all the relevant material here so that other person can also benifit from it

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