
I have a rechargeable vacuum cleaner and try to replace its batteries unfortunately due to connecting pols in reverse, after trying to charge the battery a resistance on the board has been damaged and burned, so charging circuit is very simple and I just need to find the ohm and watt of resistance, the power supply is 18v 150mA and set of batteries are 12*1.2(2200mA)=14.4v
on the board for charching the battery I have 2 element a Diode N4001 CD and a burned resistance, so if i need a 14v for charging batteris what resistance with ??? ohm and ***watt we need?

I have a rechargeable vacuum cleaner and try to replace its batteries unfortunately due to connecting pols in reverse, after trying to charge the battery a resistance on the board has been damaged and burned, so charging circuit is very simple and I just need to find the ohm and watt of resistance, the power supply is 18v 150mA and set of batteries are 12*1.2(2200mA)=14.4v
on the board for charching the battery I have 2 element a Diode N4001 CD and a burned resistance, so if i need a 14v for charging batteris what resistance with ??? ohm and ***watt we need?

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