Motherboard audio processor fail? (short?)

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Newbie level 1
Oct 24, 2014
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Hi there, I´m repairing an Asus P8H77-i (mini itx motherboard) a forum user gave it to me because it was dead.

I should say that this user tried to do a mod by cutting the external audio port line input. After that, the motherboard won´t power up.

So I desoldered the crappy connector and soldered a new one but the problem persists.

I noticed that It doesn´t make contact between the audio connector´s chassis and the other connectors chassies. I don´t know if this is normal. The other connectors do communicate grounds.

Could it be the audio processor short? should I replace it? does anyone know where to get the schematic for this motherboard?

I have checked the motherboard for blown components but everything seems to be ok (at least visually)

The only thing i know it´s that when I turn it on I can see the green led on the board and the keyboard lights on. But it doesn´t power up.

What do you guys think? should I try replacing the audio processor? bytheway it´s a via vt1708s .

You can check the underside of the motherboard to see the connection(s) between the components on the PCB.In this picture of the motherboard,the small surface mounted IC on the right side of the audio port connector,that is the said audio processor..right?

It is likely that almost all the components on the PCB have a common ground terminal.Still,check the tracks on the underside to see the ground connections as well.

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