modelsim simulation after synthesis

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Junior Member level 1
Jul 17, 2017
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modelsim simulation after syntesis

Hi to all,
I wonder if it is possible to simulate a synthesised netlist by design compiler in modelsim.

I'm finding that after the synthesis of design vision the output is a file with some component of my library instanciated, for example this:

component NAND2_X1
      port( A1, A2 : in std_logic;  ZN : out std_logic);
   end component;

then instanciated into my architetture body
U7 : XOR2_X1 port map( A => n1, B => n6, Z => next_state_2_port)

I like to import this vhdl file into modelsim, add some file of my library containing the definition of that components and simulate the netlist. I googled a lot but i cannot manage to find the proper solution.
where can i find my library components in order to link properly to the modelsim in order to find the require components? or can anyone give me some advice to solve my problem?
thanks in advice

Re: modelsim simulation after syntesis

You sure can. There should be a verilog file that comes with your std cell library, in there all gates are logically defined, and some models include a rough timing estimation too.

Re: modelsim simulation after syntesis

Thank you for your reply.
In my library folder i have 1 file .lib and 1 .db.
I tried to import them in modelsim but it doesn't recognize as library. Where can i find that verilog file to link in modelsim? are any method to import .lib file into modelsim?

The lib file is something like this:

   Module          	: AND2_X1
   Cell Description	: Combinational cell (AND2_X1) with drive strength X1

  cell (AND2_X1) {

	drive_strength     	: 1;

	area               	: 1.118000;
	pg_pin(VDD) {
		voltage_name : VDD;
		pg_type      : primary_power;

Re: modelsim simulation after syntesis

You need a verilog file. Ask the person/entity that gave you access to the library, they would know where it is.

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