[SOLVED] Model Library Files for Tanner EDA

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Krishnasai GA

Where can I get model libraries for different level operations viz, 35nm, 45nm...180nm, 360nm, for S Edit, T Spice and L Edit.
Thanks in Advance

Sedit like cadence composer => need symbol , schematic library .. but many Fab only PDK ..
some fab maybe have Laker UDD

Tspice => just a spice tool , hspice , Tspice , dolphin smash , smartspice run spice model
you need Fab provide process model file .

Ledit => ledit can import GDS file to tdb , but no PDK like database
even thought Tanner have T-cell (maybe like M-cell in Cadence) , but I do'nt know which company use ledit ?
more company use Cadence or Laker eda tools

maybe Tanner Company need more FAE support for calibre/dracula command + PDK ..
if Ledit can use PDK , and support layout driven (laker L3 , Virtuosol XL have this feature) , ledit will more powerful ..by the way
need Linux verion , not windows only ..

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