Mobile Phone and Nokia 6210

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Dec 6, 2004
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dlr-3p pinout


In the mean time, I am in the process of getting DLR-3P and Nokia 6210, I need a circuit in order to allow my AT89C52 to communicate with Nokia 6210.

I would be grateful to hear from you asap


nokia 6210 pinout

What do you want to do with the mobile.?

I have a project that should send an SMS via a mobile(whatever its brand), this circuit is a part of an alarm system.

If you have any ideas please tell me. Thanks

nokia pinout 6210

Hi seadolphine2000

Oh that's brillant, I have one old mobile phone - Nokia 3330. I will cancel the orders. The reason I am doing it is to set the alarm on while Im out to somewhere. I would appreicate to have schematic and codes from you


nokia 6210 sms how add smiles

Sorry guys, you misunderstand me, we all search for that project. I don't have circuits or schematics, I have the idea only.

I'm sorry again for this mistake. ops

nokia 6210 serial connection source code 8051

Maybe all you want to know is here..
**broken link removed**


nokia 6210 serial connection at commands

What do you want to do with the mobile.?

I have a project that should send an SMS via a mobile(whatever its brand), this circuit is a part of an alarm system.

If you have any ideas please tell me. Smile Thanks

Sorry guys, you misunderstand me, we all search for that project. I don't have circuits or schematics, I have the idea only.

I'm sorry again for this mistake. ops

I am confused and found your comment strange because you said that you have got the information. Later you said we misunderstood you and you don't have any information at all!!

To be frank, Im disappointed with that comment because I was looking forward to see the information from you.


dlr3p cable description

Come on guys

I am sure some of you have schematic and codes for controlling Nokia 6210 with a microcontroller.

When you give the information, I will reward you 'HELPED' Points.

Since I understand this forum is about exchanging and contributing information among us. Unfortunately one person (Im not going to name the person) want to charge me for information which really disgusts me

So I promise you when my works complete, I will publish my project - AT89C52 with Nokia 6210.

In the mean time, I welcome to hear your suggestion, guides and feedback.

Thank you

Maverick Max

Added after 4 hours 20 minutes:

Since Im using AT89C52, I decided to connect TX and RX to DLR-3P's RS232 cable but the problem is that I don't know which pin should AT89C52 connect to. Do I require to add few resistors?

Also do you know where to find DLR-3P's pin details?

Please help me


Схема dlr-3p

Hi Maverickmax,
I don't really know what you're into with..
The link I posted above is a complete SMS alarm system using Nokia 6210 and DLR-3P interface with complete source code and operation instruction..
Also look here for complete DLR-3P circuit, pin-out and working HEX for DIY DLR-3P project..
**broken link removed**


nokia 6210 at command

I'm really sorry for disappointing you, what I meant that a friend has done the project and I'm trying to get the info from him.
As soon as he give me the info, I'll publish it here.

Sorry again for all what I've done. ops

diy dlr3


Thank you for the link, I am using AT89C52 instead of PIC chips. I want to be sure with you that I am interfacing my AT89C52 with DLR-30's DBUS correctly:

AT89C52: TX (P3.1) and RX (P3.0) connect to Pin 7 (FBUS/RX) and Pin 8 (FBUS/TX) respectively. The Pin 9 will be grounded.

Do I need to add few resistors like the schematic in the link above?

Maverick Max

nokia 6210 picbasic pro

Good morning everyone

Can you please give me about the connection between DLR-3P and AT89C52?

Maverick Max

nokia 6210 for gsm based door lock system

-The TX(Phone) must be connected to the RX(AT)
-The RX(Phone) must be connected to the TX(AT)

-A I/O pin connected to the Mbus Pin
-That all
-No External resistor added for AT
-Resitor added for the Nokia are like the Pic Shematic.

You need to activate the Modem with the At before sending commands

diy alarm nokia

I'm trying to do something like this but with one PIC16F628A and a Siemens C45.

I can make a call with the pic but i'm in trouble because i can't do an interrupt with the RX from the USART.

If there's someone interessed i can share the code, and maybe there's some new ideas for the project


old mobile phone diy

Siemens C45 dont need DLR3R cable.

You need to setup a Software interuption.

dlr3-p cable source code


I thought I just use serial communication such as TX and RX to send the AT commands to my mobile phone. Why do I need to connect MBUS pin to my microcontroller's I/O pin?

Please explain about MBUS

Maverick Max

source code for dlr3p cable version 1 for 6210

Can anyone please tell me why do I need to use MBUS?


Since RX and TX are used to communicate with mobile phone, why do I need to use MBUS even it is designed for full duplex communication?

Maverick Max

dlr-3p pins

TX and RX are the FBUS connection of the phone
You can use the Mbus command to do some operation that Fbus dont support
Like Reseting phone,Check battery Status , ect ect


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set alarm in nokia 6210


Do you have any manual or datasheet about AT command for controlling FBUS and MBUS?

Maverick Max

nokia 6210 diy cable


I have read few posts in this forum about using serial communication with Nokia 6210 in oder to control AT command. Furthermore I believe some of you have programmed the codes in C. I would be grateful if you post the codes in this post.

Thank you

Maverick Max

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