MobiArrow – cheap communication – signals, SMS, PHP on PC

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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Sometimes we send signals to friends and disconnect before they answer, so they can call us back, or know that we confirm an appointment operation. It can be very useful in many situations. Presented project is a prototype of a simple PC program for sending such signals.

Two different phones: Nokia6230i and Nokia6103 are shown in the pictures below. The program works in TRAY near the clock in the right bottom corner of the screen.

  1. program has three independent channels (it can support three GSM modems independently)
  2. you can use some mobile phones from the secondary market as GSM modems (it is much cheaper than buying a dedicated GSM modem)
  3. you can receive signals independently by each channel and send signals from a computer. Moreover, this method of sending signals is very accurte, because it recignizes when the receiver's phone calls once
  4. all the operations can be easily sent to any web server using simple PHP scripts (e.g. a script for which two parameters are sent: phone number of the calling person and called person)
  5. a possbility to send data from the web server to te program using PHP or other methods of data receiving (SMS or signal to be sent)
  6. a possibility of the operation of the program in LAN so the communication can be shared with many employees in the company network

The connection with GSM modems (phones) can be physically organized through Bluetooth or a cable. It is important that the modem/phone share SPP mode (serial COM port), but you can also write a program for Symbian for phones with such a system so new phones without COM port shared could interact with the program.

The software is multi-threaded, so it runs smoothly in the windows background, without overloading its work. Everything was written in Delphi but programs for Symbian can be written in C++.

The program can be downloaded and tested from **broken link removed**.

Link to original thread (useful attachment) – MobiArrow - tania komunikacja - strzałki, SMSy, PHP na PC

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