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I'm trying to migrate an existing legacy project from Lattice to an Altera.
Everything is successful except a dual port RAM IP core that serves as a Tx/Rx buffer for UARTs.
The Lattice FPGA used a "Pseudo Dual Port RAM" (whatever that means).
See section 9.10
**broken link removed**
This is the instantiation for the LATTICE IP:
This is my hand coded substitute:
Quartus successfully infers a DPR with that code.
With my code, the UART's transmit a byte of zeroes as if no access to the RAM occurs.
Did I do something wrong?
I'm trying to migrate an existing legacy project from Lattice to an Altera.
Everything is successful except a dual port RAM IP core that serves as a Tx/Rx buffer for UARTs.
The Lattice FPGA used a "Pseudo Dual Port RAM" (whatever that means).
See section 9.10
**broken link removed**
This is the instantiation for the LATTICE IP:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
library xp;
use xp.components.all;
entity uart_rx_dpr is
port (
WrAddress: in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
RdAddress: in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
RdClock: in std_logic;
RdClockEn: in std_logic;
Reset: in std_logic;
WrClock: in std_logic;
WrClockEn: in std_logic;
WE: in std_logic;
Q: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end uart_rx_dpr;
architecture Structure of uart_rx_dpr is
-- internal signal declarations
signal scuba_vhi: std_logic;
signal scuba_vlo: std_logic;
component PDP8KA
generic (CSDECODE_R : in String; CSDECODE_W : in String;
DATA_WIDTH_R : in Integer; DATA_WIDTH_W : in Integer;
RESETMODE : in String; GSR : in String;
REGMODE : in String);
port (CEW: in std_logic; CLKW: in std_logic;
CSW0: in std_logic; CSW1: in std_logic;
CSW2: in std_logic; WE: in std_logic; CER: in std_logic;
CLKR: in std_logic; CSR0: in std_logic;
CSR1: in std_logic; CSR2: in std_logic; RST: in std_logic;
DI0: in std_logic; DI1: in std_logic; DI2: in std_logic;
DI3: in std_logic; DI4: in std_logic; DI5: in std_logic;
DI6: in std_logic; DI7: in std_logic; DI8: in std_logic;
DI9: in std_logic; DI10: in std_logic; DI11: in std_logic;
DI12: in std_logic; DI13: in std_logic;
DI14: in std_logic; DI15: in std_logic;
DI16: in std_logic; DI17: in std_logic;
DI18: in std_logic; DI19: in std_logic;
DI20: in std_logic; DI21: in std_logic;
DI22: in std_logic; DI23: in std_logic;
DI24: in std_logic; DI25: in std_logic;
DI26: in std_logic; DI27: in std_logic;
DI28: in std_logic; DI29: in std_logic;
DI30: in std_logic; DI31: in std_logic;
DI32: in std_logic; DI33: in std_logic;
DI34: in std_logic; DI35: in std_logic;
ADW0: in std_logic; ADW1: in std_logic;
ADW2: in std_logic; ADW3: in std_logic;
ADW4: in std_logic; ADW5: in std_logic;
ADW6: in std_logic; ADW7: in std_logic;
ADW8: in std_logic; ADW9: in std_logic;
ADW10: in std_logic; ADW11: in std_logic;
ADW12: in std_logic; ADR0: in std_logic;
ADR1: in std_logic; ADR2: in std_logic;
ADR3: in std_logic; ADR4: in std_logic;
ADR5: in std_logic; ADR6: in std_logic;
ADR7: in std_logic; ADR8: in std_logic;
ADR9: in std_logic; ADR10: in std_logic;
ADR11: in std_logic; ADR12: in std_logic;
DO0: out std_logic; DO1: out std_logic;
DO2: out std_logic; DO3: out std_logic;
DO4: out std_logic; DO5: out std_logic;
DO6: out std_logic; DO7: out std_logic;
DO8: out std_logic; DO9: out std_logic;
DO10: out std_logic; DO11: out std_logic;
DO12: out std_logic; DO13: out std_logic;
DO14: out std_logic; DO15: out std_logic;
DO16: out std_logic; DO17: out std_logic;
DO18: out std_logic; DO19: out std_logic;
DO20: out std_logic; DO21: out std_logic;
DO22: out std_logic; DO23: out std_logic;
DO24: out std_logic; DO25: out std_logic;
DO26: out std_logic; DO27: out std_logic;
DO28: out std_logic; DO29: out std_logic;
DO30: out std_logic; DO31: out std_logic;
DO32: out std_logic; DO33: out std_logic;
DO34: out std_logic; DO35: out std_logic);
end component;
component VHI
port (Z: out std_logic);
end component;
component VLO
port (Z: out std_logic);
end component;
attribute MEM_LPC_FILE : string;
attribute MEM_INIT_FILE : string;
attribute CSDECODE_R : string;
attribute CSDECODE_W : string;
attribute GSR : string;
attribute RESETMODE : string;
attribute REGMODE : string;
attribute DATA_WIDTH_R : string;
attribute DATA_WIDTH_W : string;
attribute MEM_LPC_FILE of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "uart_rx_dpr.lpc";
attribute MEM_INIT_FILE of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "";
attribute CSDECODE_R of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "000";
attribute CSDECODE_W of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "000";
attribute GSR of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "DISABLED";
attribute RESETMODE of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "ASYNC";
attribute REGMODE of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "NOREG";
attribute DATA_WIDTH_R of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "9";
attribute DATA_WIDTH_W of uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0 : label is "9";
scuba_vhi_inst: VHI
port map (Z=>scuba_vhi);
scuba_vlo_inst: VLO
port map (Z=>scuba_vlo);
uart_rx_dpr_0_0_0: PDP8KA
generic map (CSDECODE_R=> "000", CSDECODE_W=> "000", GSR=> "DISABLED",
port map (CEW=>WrClockEn, CLKW=>WrClock, CSW0=>scuba_vlo,
CSW1=>scuba_vlo, CSW2=>scuba_vlo, WE=>WE, CER=>RdClockEn,
CLKR=>RdClock, CSR0=>scuba_vlo, CSR1=>scuba_vlo,
CSR2=>scuba_vlo, RST=>Reset, DI0=>Data(0), DI1=>Data(1),
DI2=>Data(2), DI3=>Data(3), DI4=>Data(4), DI5=>Data(5),
DI6=>Data(6), DI7=>Data(7), DI8=>scuba_vlo, DI9=>scuba_vlo,
DI10=>scuba_vlo, DI11=>scuba_vlo, DI12=>scuba_vlo,
DI13=>scuba_vlo, DI14=>scuba_vlo, DI15=>scuba_vlo,
DI16=>scuba_vlo, DI17=>scuba_vlo, DI18=>Data(0),
DI19=>Data(1), DI20=>Data(2), DI21=>Data(3), DI22=>Data(4),
DI23=>Data(5), DI24=>Data(6), DI25=>Data(7), DI26=>scuba_vlo,
DI27=>scuba_vlo, DI28=>scuba_vlo, DI29=>scuba_vlo,
DI30=>scuba_vlo, DI31=>scuba_vlo, DI32=>scuba_vlo,
DI33=>scuba_vlo, DI34=>scuba_vlo, DI35=>scuba_vlo,
ADW0=>scuba_vlo, ADW1=>scuba_vlo, ADW2=>scuba_vlo,
ADW3=>WrAddress(0), ADW4=>WrAddress(1), ADW5=>WrAddress(2),
ADW6=>WrAddress(3), ADW7=>WrAddress(4), ADW8=>WrAddress(5),
ADW9=>WrAddress(6), ADW10=>scuba_vlo, ADW11=>scuba_vlo,
ADW12=>scuba_vlo, ADR0=>scuba_vlo, ADR1=>scuba_vlo,
ADR2=>scuba_vlo, ADR3=>RdAddress(0), ADR4=>RdAddress(1),
ADR5=>RdAddress(2), ADR6=>RdAddress(3), ADR7=>RdAddress(4),
ADR8=>RdAddress(5), ADR9=>RdAddress(6), ADR10=>scuba_vlo,
ADR11=>scuba_vlo, ADR12=>scuba_vlo, DO0=>Q(0), DO1=>Q(1),
DO2=>Q(2), DO3=>Q(3), DO4=>Q(4), DO5=>Q(5), DO6=>Q(6),
DO7=>Q(7), DO8=>open, DO9=>open, DO10=>open, DO11=>open,
DO12=>open, DO13=>open, DO14=>open, DO15=>open, DO16=>open,
DO17=>open, DO18=>open, DO19=>open, DO20=>open, DO21=>open,
DO22=>open, DO23=>open, DO24=>open, DO25=>open, DO26=>open,
DO27=>open, DO28=>open, DO29=>open, DO30=>open, DO31=>open,
DO32=>open, DO33=>open, DO34=>open, DO35=>open);
end Structure;
library xp;
configuration Structure_CON of uart_rx_dpr is
for Structure
for all:PDP8KA use entity xp.PDP8KA(V); end for;
for all:VHI use entity xp.VHI(V); end for;
for all:VLO use entity xp.VLO(V); end for;
end for;
end Structure_CON;
This is my hand coded substitute:
Quartus successfully infers a DPR with that code.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity xp_dpr_uart is
port (
WrAddress: in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
RdAddress: in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Data: in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
RdClock: in std_logic; -- unused in my design
RdClockEn: in std_logic; -- unused in my design
Reset: in std_logic;
WrClock: in std_logic;
WrClockEn: in std_logic; -- unused in my design
WE: in std_logic;
Q: out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0));
end xp_dpr_uart;
architecture Structure of xp_dpr_uart is
type matrix is array ( 0 to 127 ) of std_logic_vector ( 9 downto 0 ) ;
signal memory : matrix ;
process ( WrClock ) is
if rising_edge ( WrClock ) then
Q <= Data ( RdAddress ) ;
if WE = '1' then
memory <= Data ( WrAddress ) ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
end Structure;
With my code, the UART's transmit a byte of zeroes as if no access to the RAM occurs.
Did I do something wrong?