Microcontroller FPGA for a beginner

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Advanced Member level 1
Jan 24, 2006
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mikrokontroler fpga


I am interested to learn FPGA, and would like to seek opinon
on the FPGA IC to learn.
I learn that some FPGA comes with microcontroller/processor features,
which should be quite interesting to learn.

Do anyone have any recommendation for a simple FPGA+microcontroller
that would be a good start for beginner?

Thank you.
Siong Boon

Microcontroller FPGA

check Virtex-2 pro, virtex-4 and virtex-5 devices from xilinx

Re: Microcontroller FPGA

i suggest you start with a cheap board. Maybe a Spartan. With respect to the
microcontroller you can always use a part of the logic to instantiate one...


Microcontroller FPGA

I think the best for learn FPGA perfectly is involve whit high level FPGA project and study instruction index and rules in verilog or vhdl that you have to concept about complicate algorithm

i learned that with same way very strongly

i suggest you verilog and work with ISE 9.1 and modelsim for simulation

good louck

Re: Microcontroller FPGA

if you realy have no clue what an FPGA is, then it might be a good option to start with a low entry point.
I know that FPGA business is 'hot' but if you don't understand the limitations, you will never become a good FPGA designer. I've seen a lot of code from so called FPGA programmers that thought about FPGA design like a big 32-bit microcontroller and some glue logic.
Same problem with the higher programming languages like System-C. The pittfall is that you don't think about the logic anymore.

So, please take a cource (online, in the company you are working, ...) based on a cheap FPGA board (look at Xilinx, Altera, Lattice, Actel). They have all kits below $300.

Try to start blinking a LED, make a running display, time counter, managed GPIO, UART, PWM, ...
If you can simulate (functional and timing), put it on a board a see what happens. Then it's time to take a jump in the embedded cores like SerDes, uC, uP.


use this forum to help you further in the magical world of programmable logic.

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