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Microcontroller Based Automation System

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May 5, 2007
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data acquisition system using 8051

i m in search of automation system based on microcontrooller

can anybody helps me in that?...

basically i m working in one project. In that i would like to measure temperature of one instrument which is quit away from my place...near about 3 meters...i would like to measure of temeperature of that instrument as well want to see and like to anylyze and that incoming signals.

I have somewhat knowledge for want to be confident first and that after start my working on this project.....

can anybody helps me?...

Mohan Mithai

8-chenal temprature using microcontroller

are u going to build a wireless system??if its not a wireless system then i can help u:idea:
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    Ajay R

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8051 programming for automation

actually i m not sure abt i dont think that wireless automation in this case will possible...

bt any way can u suggest me what soever information with u regarding this automation?..

Mohan Mithai

data acquisition system using lm 35

do one thing....

first of all make one Block diagram for the system u want...

after that find the component which fits with your requirement

i think wireless temperature sensors are available in market...which gives u accuracy upto 5 meters....

and then using the IR detector u can esily catch the waveform and analyze on CRO..

Popatlal Panjarawala
8051 based data acquisition system

Which Sensor R u Using.

LM 35 is the best one for ur solution

8051 lcd 3wire

i used 8 temperature sensors(LM35),8 channel A to D convertor ADC0808,and 8051 microcontroller for data logging purpose in my project.and logged the data to hyper terminal:|

microcontroller automatization project

U can use RTD sensor for measuring the temperature. mostly in industrial automation using this type of sensor. number of varieties available in market. 2wire,3-wire etc

data acquisition system using microcontroller

If you want to go wireless, check out the zigbee development kit from microchip

automation using microcontroller project

i have decided to use RTD for temperature measurement...

now can anybody helps me in making picture of complete automation system..

what are the other blocks are required?...


industrial automation microcontroller

basically DAQ system contrain....

0. Sesor or Analog Input
1. ADC
2. Signal Condictioner
3. Mixer
4. Output

Now u need to design ADC as per your requirement...I think, you can get better resolution by AT89C51 .....

than define one signal condictioning system,

you r free to discuss whatever problem u will face during desining of system.

using 8051 automation system

if you want a wireless solution you can use a set of receiver-transmitter in 432.92 MHz. you can use a tiny microcontroller which reads the analogue value of the temperature sensor it converts this value to ASCII and send it more than 3 meters away through the 432.92MHz transmitter. If you make a search in Google you will find many projects like the one that i describe u. if you have any questions let me know. I hope that i helped you.

microcontroller based data acquisition system

why only 432.92 MHz frequency?...

what is the significance for 432.92 MHz?...


layout of microcontroller based instrumentation

I have seen that most of the rf transceivers describes the 433MHz frequency as 433.92MHz. that was my mistake for 432.92Mhz.
The 433 Mhz is a free rf frequency for remote control applications.

basic block dia.for automation system

There are several options for u to measure temperature. You can use LM35,SHTXX,Thermocouple,RTD sensors, etc., I think all these sensors can meet ur needs.

serial data transmission+433mhz+microcontroller

what is signal conditioning circuit?..

or a system?...

what are the types of SCS?...

using microcontroller for automation

In fact you can use any of the ready made modules for the ISM band. 433 modules are easily available. Some dual frequency modules are also available. It is easy to buy commercial modules for RF than make your own unless you are an RF design and layout expert.
As to the ADC for conversion to digital, i would recommend a PIC Micro (lots of then available) with internal ADC. These are 10bit mostly and need not have external adc like 0808. I think you may not need accuracies in 3 decimal places for a normal home controller!!
This would simplify your design. You can add the display systems (LCD/LED) for your projects easily. Other devices with SPI/ I2C /R232 can also be easily added.
Embedded is the way to go... but you need to take the first steps......

microcontroller based commercial projects

I developed two projects
1) 8 channel data acquisition system using 8051
2) 8 channel data acquisition system using pic16f877

both were using VB as Data viewer
having serial port
and project which was built using 16f877 had wireless data transmission on 433Mhz.

make your own 433 mhz transmitter 8051

can u help me to make the same project which i m going to work....

or you can send me some detail on my personal mail...

its too urgent yaar..


Mohan Mithai

microcontroller based automation systems

see when u r going to make any project than u must have to design it at urself...

only because of that u can get the maximam knowledge to complete it..

any kind of help that u can ask for any time bt plz try it once on ur risk..


project+microcontroller based automation

mohan_mithai said:
can u help me to make the same project which i m going to work....

or you can send me some detail on my personal mail...

its too urgent yaar..


Mohan Mithai

Why is it urgent?

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