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MEMS for RF apllications - some advice needed

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Apr 5, 2002
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MEMS for RF apllications

I just need some advices on which could be the best tool for EM simulation (full wave) of MEMS components, in particular I'm currently involved in designing tunable filters and switches in RF front ends for radio communications in the range 30 MHz - 1GHz.
I also need to know the companies which could product this devices (also custom, based on my design specification).
Thanks to everybody


for mechnical and thermal simulation, you can choose conventor or ansys. for EM performance, sonnet and HFSS is often reported. but I perfor to XFDTD


For full 3D FEM analysis I'd recommend HFSS, either the old Agilent of the current Ansoft version. However, this depends much on the type of the problem and also to some extent on the frequency, so you might want to try with different software for their simulation accuracies. In some cases 2.5D might be enough, but your mileage may vary.

By the way, I've always thought that MEMS switches for RF are rather short-lived, i.e. their lifetime could be measured in minutes if used for fast antenna switching. For tunable filters MEMS might be OK.

Just my opinion :)


Re: MEMS for RF apllications

mowgli said:
.. cut ...
I also need to know the companies which could product this devices (also custom, based on my design specification).
Thanks to everybody
Questions over questions arise:
What primary material will your switch based on ? what other thin films are
needed? is electroplating necessary ?
What aspect ratio is necessary ? will SU-8 p-m-LIGA suffice for Aspect Ratio?
is real LIGA needed for Aspect Ratio? Is an ASE process a viable manufac-
turing alternative in order to satisfy the needed Aspect Ratio ?
Is a CMOS compatible process suitable for the design? ....

Depending on the answers you'll have no foundries which are able to
manufacture your device. Also very few foundries accept pre-processed

If you can give a better description a solution can be found .

Yours, pellwurst667


does anybody share use e-book on RF mems? as I know, Rebeiz published a book in this area, who know how to get it

it seems there are some book in MCU.

You can also try ansys, a good FEM software. That software can do both mech and EM simulations. Although the EM simulation is not very powerful, especially for anisotropic dielectric or ferrite. But I believe it will be enough for most case, especially for MEMS. I havent heard any one doing MEMs on the ferrite or other funny materials.


hi shou

what is meaning of MCU

Ansys is good choice,but you must firstly familiar with FEM theory,and carefully set up the parameter.

Re: RE

egliu said:
hi shou

what is meaning of MCU

Check at top of the page, MCU Fileman and click there. You will need to register (its free) to get access to downloads.

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