Mechanical layer change when signal layer chanegd

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Member level 3
Jun 8, 2010
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Hi all ,
As you know when we change the layer of a component , for example from top layer to bottom layer , top overlay part of the footprint would change to bottom overlay too
Now imagine the component along with other things has mechanical layer 1 drawn on it's footprint
When I place the component from top layer to bottom layer , the part drawn in mechanical layer 1 in the footprint of the component is still in mechanical layer 1
so when we order the PCB the component is in the bottom but it's mechanical layer 1 part would be on top
I want machanical layer 1 to change to mechanical layer 2 like top layer and top overlay part of the footprint changing to bottom

How could I do that ?

Thanks in advanced

I'm not sure I can help you with your problem at all.
But I'm 100% sure that I can't help you if I don't know what PCB software you are using.

So, what software are you using?

If you are using expedition PCB you have to assign that while you are creating foot print...can expanin through a image or some thing it is bit confusing.....


In Altium you have to set up layer pairs in your PCB file - go to view configurations and click layer pairs in the bottom left you can set the two mechanical layers here and it wil auto swap the primatives to the other layer, Incuding mirror the text.

To make this less painful in the future you can set this in a blank PCB template and go from there.

Hope this helps,
Thanks alot
It was really helpful
When I told it to our PCB designer he got so happy
Thanks again

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