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meaning of term "mapped design" in "DFT Compiler Scan User Guide"
I'm reading the document "DFT Compiler Scan User Guide". I've come across the term "mapped design" and the opposite "unmapped design". What is the difference between these two in the context of this document? I must be missing an important concept because I don't have a clue what this is referring to.
From looking at the diagrams, it seems that a unmapped design simply starts out with the design RTL, and I therefore suppose that a mapped design has already been processed by dc_shell somehow.
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Oh, silly me, I think I figured it out. The unmapped design simply refers to the design in dc_shell before synthesis. In other words, the design elements have been mapped to cells in a particular technology library.
I'm reading the document "DFT Compiler Scan User Guide". I've come across the term "mapped design" and the opposite "unmapped design". What is the difference between these two in the context of this document? I must be missing an important concept because I don't have a clue what this is referring to.
From looking at the diagrams, it seems that a unmapped design simply starts out with the design RTL, and I therefore suppose that a mapped design has already been processed by dc_shell somehow.
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Oh, silly me, I think I figured it out. The unmapped design simply refers to the design in dc_shell before synthesis. In other words, the design elements have been mapped to cells in a particular technology library.