MCP2200 configuration tool not working

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Advanced Member level 1
May 8, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I designed a custom board with an Atmel microcontroller and an MCP2200 as USB to UART converter. Data sent by the microcontroller is received by the PC without a problem, the MCP2200 correctly enumerates as /dev/ttyACM0.

Unfortunately, the two LEDs on the board to visualize serial communication (one for RX and one for TX) do not work, they're hooked up according to the reference design in the MCP2200 datasheet. I found that they should be enabled using the MCP2200 configuration tool, but I couldn't find it in any of the standard repositories. Microchip's website only provides an outdated version for Windows. Installing this under Wine 1.7 works, but running the program doesn't do anything. The process just sits there forever, apparently waiting for something. The window, as shown in the datasheet, is never displayed.

Does anyone know how to get the configuration tool for the MCP2200 working? Or any other strategy to turn on the LEDs?

I'm running Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts gamegurus, however, in my situation it's not possible to use the pc of a friend since I need it for a production line to configure over 100 boards. So a more professional approach is required. Windows is simply not reliable enough to be used in a production environment. The rest of the tool chain (programmers for firmware, automated testing etc.) is already on a Linux system, and I'd prefer to integrate the configuration of the MCP2200 in the same tool chain to keep it practical.

I'm disappointed that a company like Microchip doesn't provide professional software tools for their hardware. The software framework around a hardware product is paramount for its usability.

After many fruitless attempts I gave up on getting the tool to work under Linux Mint 17. I eventually got it working in a VM, running Windows 7 in VMware Workstation Player 12. Linux correctly passes the device handler to the VM, where the tool can be run and used to configure the MCP2200. A drawback is that the device has to be unplugged first after its firmware is flashed by another Linux tool.

Will probably be the last time I use a Microchip part in one of my designs.

Good to see your results,
I then ended up using CP2102 in my production run instead of microchip MCP2200.
Good that i was able to caught such issue in my development boards, so i was able to revise my design.

CP2102 would be a valuable alternative yes, I'm considering the CH340G myself which is a bit cheaper. Unfortunately, it's too late in the development process to swap the MCP2200 for an alternative, I only have a few days left until the design is going in production. I trusted Microchip to supply adequate software for their products, but waited too long to verify that assumption. It's my own fault!

Has anyone used the mcp2200 at 1 Mbaud (as the datasheet says) without problems? Actually i want at least 600 kbaud speed. I am currently using FTDI products but due to the low cost of mcp2200 i was wondering if it is capable of those speeds. Thanks

Hi VirusX2,

I didn't try it at that speed so far, I'll run the test on one of my prototypes and let you know. If you're still in the design phase of your own board, I would strongly advise to reconsider the use of MCP2200 and instead opt for a CH340G or CP2102. I've documented my experiences with the MCP2200 here:

Ok, i'll wait for your results..!

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