Materials about VHDL testbench

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Dec 16, 2005
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i need some materials about testbench written in vhdl, how can i get it ? thanks in advance

vhdl testbench

Re: vhdl testbench

well, any book about VHDL has a part dedicated for testbenches
and there are tons of VHDL if u search here

Re: vhdl testbench

Hi everyone,

I also need information on VHDL test benches.

My situation is that I have downloaded Lattice Semiconductors free ispLEVER software and have designed a very simple design with it using schematic/VHDL entry. Now I want to do a functional simulation. But I have no idea how to go about writing and implementing a test bench (I am new to fpga's).

Two things about first ispLEVER
1) they offer a VHDL test bench template (I can click the button to develop one but not sure what to do after that)
2) they offer two choices when it come to simulation Synplify synthesis and Precision synthesis. Is one better than the other?

Any help, tutorials, advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't really know were to start.

Thanks david119

Re: vhdl testbench

First advice is use latest version of ispLEVER.. If I am not wrong its 5.0... older versions are not very efficient and there are few bugs....Precision is new in market but its good tool. Are you licence version of ispLever??

I think ispLever has GUI based simulations where you can select and assign perticular value to the signal at perticular time.... but better not to go with this method.

vhdl testbench

i think the easiest automatic testbench maker is integrated in xilinx ISE series...named "HDL bencher". just try it, no more educational backgrounds needed. it is very simple...

Re: vhdl testbench

Read This book

Book Title:
Writing TestBenches...
Verification Guide for HDL models....

Jorgan Bergeron
Qualis Design Corporation



vhdl testbench

This book was uploaded earlier -

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