Advanced Member level 3

microprocessors designed for java
MAJC (Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing) is a radically new microprocessor architecture from the innovators at Sun Microsystems. The MAJC architecture is designed to meet the need for wire speed processing power demanded by on-line multimedia applications, wideband telecommunication networks, e-commerce, and a host of media-rich networked applications.
The MAJC architecture supports high-speed processing and transmission of streaming audio, video, voice, and data over digital networks. It enables the delivery of compelling content to consumers worldwide via set-top boxes and a wide variety of intelligent consumer electronic devices. Advanced technologies such as interactive TV, digital telephony, 3-D animation, and virtual reality simulations will converge on the digital network and be powered by MAJC-based microprocessors. The architecture is scalable and designed for a wide range of consumer and industrial products, from screen phones and game platforms, to medical imaging systems and network edge devices.
Check The following URls for starting point on "Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing"
1. h**p://www.sun.com/microelectronics/MAJC/
2. h**p://www.sun.com/microelectronics/MAJC/documentation/
3. h**p://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG19991006S0058
4. h**p://www.ece.utexas.edu/~ljohn/javap/student_pres/students/Stuecheli.ppt
5. h**p://www.idg.net/idgns/1999/08/02/SunToTakeWrapsOffJava.shtml
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MAJC (Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing) is a radically new microprocessor architecture from the innovators at Sun Microsystems. The MAJC architecture is designed to meet the need for wire speed processing power demanded by on-line multimedia applications, wideband telecommunication networks, e-commerce, and a host of media-rich networked applications.
The MAJC architecture supports high-speed processing and transmission of streaming audio, video, voice, and data over digital networks. It enables the delivery of compelling content to consumers worldwide via set-top boxes and a wide variety of intelligent consumer electronic devices. Advanced technologies such as interactive TV, digital telephony, 3-D animation, and virtual reality simulations will converge on the digital network and be powered by MAJC-based microprocessors. The architecture is scalable and designed for a wide range of consumer and industrial products, from screen phones and game platforms, to medical imaging systems and network edge devices.
Check The following URls for starting point on "Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing"
1. h**p://www.sun.com/microelectronics/MAJC/
2. h**p://www.sun.com/microelectronics/MAJC/documentation/
3. h**p://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG19991006S0058
4. h**p://www.ece.utexas.edu/~ljohn/javap/student_pres/students/Stuecheli.ppt
5. h**p://www.idg.net/idgns/1999/08/02/SunToTakeWrapsOffJava.shtml
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