LVDS transmitter problem

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Hi Warlike,

wat i have understood is that u have fluctuations on Vos & Vod during switching. If that is the case, CMFB circuit cannot be designed with that high bandwidth to filter out these fluctuations (according to my understanding).

I am designing a similar circuit with 2 NMOS & 2 PMOS in 0.18u with Vdd=1.8V. Wat i think is that the fluctuations are due to difference in Cgs at the input of the driver, which leads to different voltages coupled to the output, and hence a spike at the output. anyone please correct me, if i m wrong.

Hope i could help
- Vaibhav

the problem has been resolved?

Transient VCM / VOS perturbations may result from simple
timing skews between the two sides. Whether you want
your common-mode feedback to respond, is questionable.
May be better for it to ignore entirely and just sit still, be
a rock. Otherwise you may just have two problems trying
to sort themselves out in real time, instead of one.

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