Loop stability in low dropout regulators

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Junior Member level 2
Dec 7, 2003
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I need the papers about loop stability in low dropout regulators

ldo stability analysis

Can you give more info about what do you need? In general stability of LDO is no diffrent from any opamp stability theory- phase M, Gain M, open loop gain, etc.

regulator stability simulation

it will be different cos the loading of ldo will be diferent at different stages and then the stability condition will be different,u may refer to the ieee papers on ldo, there are many papers on that

ldo stability simulation

but is that simulate the 2 corners will be ok?

simulate stability of ldo

Gabriel Rincon Mora wrote a lot of papers about your problem. Simple search on the net will give you a lot of answer.

Look especially in IEEE journal of solid state circuits vol.33 no 1 january 1998.

Ka Nang Leung also write papers about LDO.

Simulate only the 2 corners is not enough because stability would change with load. You have to check that in all cases your LDO is stable.

stability ldo

what's the 2 corners?

ldo compensation scheme

qutang said:
what's the 2 corners?

slow case and fast case

book of ldo

Pls link
. Maybe it will help u!

low power cmos ldo design

**broken link removed**

maybe it's helpful!

ldo book

read ieee papers on optimum nested miller compensation for low voltage low power cmos amolifier design,a frequency compensation scheme for ldo regulators,analysis of ldr topologies for low voltage limitation

ldo voltage stability+

I can study all the paper of LDO

book for ldo

so many good papers for study, thanks.

ldo no load stability

since the dominant pole will be different for different loading, what u do is to set the dominant pole fixed. U can add a zero there to cancel 1 pole, and most effective is to mirror the power pmos while not connecting the drain together.


ldo stabilitty

arsenal said:
most effective is to mirror the power pmos while not connecting the drain together.


what is the meaning, may you explain in detail, thanks!

nested miller compensation ldo

How do determine stability of a ldo?

stability of ldo

Please, help me how can determine stability of LDO?

simulation of ldo regulator stability

you have to do ac analysis by breaking the feedback loop

ldo stability simulation

AC loop simulation use CADENCE stb commond

gabriel rincon-mora

you can simulation loop PM check loop stability

ldo ieee

yes loop gain simulation may help

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