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[General] Looking for microcomputer board

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Apr 28, 2010
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I'm looking for a small microcomputer board containing a modern microprocessor (e.g. ARM or PIC32) with an accessible external memory bus (i.e. something with at least 16 address pins and 8 data pins that will allow me to interface to memory mapped peripherals). On the board I need:
at least 2 serial ports; Ethernet; possibly optional WiFi, enough flash memory for my application, or at least a basic OS capable of running my application from memory card; interface to some kind of memory card (e.g. Compact Flash) for memory expansion; enough RAM for my application - say 64K. I do not need graphics, sound etc. Preferably the board needs to be low cost. I would most likely mount it as a daughterboard on a carrier board with the necessary IO circuitry on it.

Can you suggest a board that might do this job?

Thanks - Rowan

I bought the PCduino breadboard last year for about ~59 USD, but there is available another option which I will purchase soon that is the Cubieboard, for about 49 USD. Both are able to run an embedded LINUX operational system.


What CPU chips do these two boards use? Do either of them expose an external memory type bus (address plus data pins)?

Thanks - Rowan

Both boards are based on the most recent ARM Cortex A8 core processor: Allwiner-A10.
Concerning to memory bus, it is internal to the board, and there are already assembled with 2GB/4GB NAND flash.


I need a board which provides external access to a memory or memory mappped peripheral bus. I need this to interface to the rest of my system, which has a whole range of IO boards already designed, which use a 16 address plus 8 data bit bus (originally designed for 8051). This is the specific feature that I'm looking for. Some MCU chips seem to offer this, but I need a board with one of these chips on it.

Thanks - Rowan

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