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LM35 Temperature Sensor and 18f4520

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 8, 2013
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Hi all,

Im new to C++ prog and i have a project which requires me using a 18f4520 with MPLAB IDE 8.80 and C18 compiler.

I have a LM35 which i will need to output the temperature value onto a 2x16 LCD.
Im using 18f4520 and making use of its ADC to do the conversion.

The problem now is that the LCD is not displaying anything. I had done a simple program displaying "Hello World" and it is OK so i assumed the hardware connections are fine.

I hope someone can enlighten me with this.

Below is my coding.

#include <p18f4520.h>
#include <delays.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void Init_LCD(void);                // Initialize the LCD
void W_ctr_4bit(char);                // 4-bit Control word for LCD
void W_data_4bit(char);            // 4-bit Text Data for LCD
void Delay_1kcyc(void);            // 1000 cycles delay

#define LCD_DATA    PORTD
#define LCD_RW       PORTAbits.RA2       // RW signal for LCD
#define LCD_RS       PORTAbits.RA3       // RS signal for LCD
#define LCD_E         PORTAbits.RA1       // E signal for LCD

unsigned char     LCD_TEMP, i;
char Buffer[20];           // Buffer to hold temperature character string
unsigned int i;             // Index variable
unsigned int t;            // Variable for temperature

void main(void)
/* Declaration of variables */

    TRISA = 0b11110001;        // Set Pin RA0, RA4~RA7 as Input, RA1~RA3 as Output

    TRISB = 0b00000000;        // Set Port B as Output port (LEDs)
    PORTB = 0b00000000;        // Port B initialize as OFF (LEDs not lighted)

    TRISC = 0b00000000;        // Set PORT C as Output port (Buzzer)

    ADCON2 = 0b10000100;    // Result Right justified, Manual acquisition time, Fosc/4

/* Main program starts */

    Init_LCD();             // Init LCD 4-bit interface, multiple line

        /* Measure Temperature */

        ADCON0 = 0b00000001;        // Select AN0 (channel 0) for Temp sensor, turn on ADC
        ADCON1 = 0b00001110;        // Select AN0 as ANALOG input, internal voltage
        Delay10TCYx(1);                // Acquisition time 10us (>=5us)

        ADCON0bits.GO = 1;            // Start A/D Conversion

        while(ADCON0bits.DONE);        // ADC completed?
            t= (ADRES*500) / 255;     // ADRES (16bit) is the output of ADC, Convert to Degree Celsius in 8 bits format.
            W_ctr_4bit(0xC0)        // Move cursor to line 2 position 1
            itoa(t, Buffer);    // Convert number in variable t to a  string and store in variable Buffer
            i = 0;
            while (Buffer[i] != 0) W_data_4bit (Buffer[i++]);


/* LCD display initialization */
void Init_LCD()        
    // Special Sequence a) to d) required for 4-bit interface

    Delay1KTCYx(15);            //   a) 15ms LCD power-up delay
    W_ctr_4bit(0x03);            //   b) Function Set (DB4-DB7: 8-bit interface)
    Delay1KTCYx(5);              //   c) 5ms delay
    W_ctr_4bit(0x02);            //   d) Function Set (DB4-DB7: 4-bit interface)
    W_ctr_4bit(0b00101000);        // Function Set - 4-bit, 2 lines, 5X7
    W_ctr_4bit(0b00001100);        // Display on, cursor off
    W_ctr_4bit(0b00000110);        // Entry mode - inc addr, no shift
    W_ctr_4bit(0b00000001);        // Clear display & home position
/* Write control word in term of 4-bit at a time to LCD */
void W_ctr_4bit (char x)
    LCD_RW    = 0;               // Logic ‘0’
    LCD_RS    = 0;                // Logic ‘0’
    LCD_TEMP     = x;           // Store control word
LCD_TEMP    >>= 4;            // send upper nibble of control word
LCD_E    = 1;                     // Logic ‘1’
Delay1KTCYx(1);                // 1ms delay
LCD_E    = 0;                    // Logic ‘0’
Delay1KTCYx(1);                // 1ms delay
LCD_TEMP    = x;              // Store control word
LCD_TEMP    &= 0x0f;        // Send lower nibble of control word
LCD_E    = 1;                    // Logic ‘1’
Delay1KTCYx(1);               // 1ms delay
LCD_E    = 0;                   // Logic 0’
Delay1KTCYx(1);              // 1ms delay

/* Write text data in term of 4-bit at a time to LCD */
void W_data_4bit (char x)
    LCD_RW     = 0;              // Logic ‘0’
    LCD_RS     = 1;               // Logic ‘1’
    LCD_TEMP     = x;           // Store text data
    LCD_TEMP  >>= 4;          // Send upper nibble of text data
    LCD_E     = 1;                // Logic ‘1’
    Delay1KTCYx(1);             // 1ms delay
    LCD_E     = 0;                 // Logic ‘0’
    Delay1KTCYx(1);             // 1ms delay
    LCD_TEMP     = x;           // Store text data
    LCD_TEMP &= 0x0f;         // Send lower nibble of text data
    LCD_E     = 1;                // Logic ‘1’
    Delay1KTCYx(1);            // 1ms delay
    LCD_E     = 0;                // Logic ‘0’
    Delay1KTCYx(1);            // 1ms delay

I need some verifications in this part to ensure that im on the right track.

        /* Measure Temperature */

        ADCON0 = 0b00000001;        // Select AN0 (channel 0) for Temp sensor, turn on ADC
        ADCON1 = 0b00001110;        // Select AN0 as ANALOG input, internal voltage
        Delay10TCYx(1);                // Acquisition time 10us (>=5us)

        ADCON0bits.GO = 1;            // Start A/D Conversion

        while(ADCON0bits.DONE);        // ADC completed?
            t= (ADRES*500) / 255;     // ADRES (16bit) is the output of ADC, Convert to Degree Celsius in 8 bits format.
            W_ctr_4bit(0xC0)        // Move cursor to line 2 position 1
            itoa(t, Buffer);    // Convert number in variable t to a  string and store in variable Buffer
            i = 0;
            while (Buffer[i] != 0) W_data_4bit (Buffer[i++]);

Your help is much appreciated.

Attached is my schematic

Its an outdated one with a few pins reassigned as follows:

LCD module
RD0 >> DB4
RD1 >> DB5
RD2 >> DB6
RD3 >> DB7

Thanks, appreciated all help as im rushing before the deadline which is near and i have got to learn make a Web page out too..
Last edited:

you said you are using ADC conversion , but you didnt declare which adc channel to see from.

Yes i did declare actually..

I put it in this >>>

ADCON0 = 0b00000001; // Select AN0 (channel 0) for Temp sensor, turn on ADC

is there anything that i have missed out ?


That's not the way . You wait for 2 days , I will come up with a code for you regarding adc .

Alright thanks !!

But isnt that suppose to code as such format ?
Besides this, is there anything else in the code that is wrongly declared ?

Do you want display the temperature on the lcd ? If yes , you may need to declare something to look how many decimals place .

Hi InNeedOfHelp

Yes, i need to display out the temperature on the LCD.

How should i rewrite the codes then ?
Is my coding correct in the first place ?

Are you able to help me with the coding ?

I have no idea where have the coding gone wrong as im not well versed in C++ and unfortunately the deadline for me is nearing and i have got to design a web page for this as well..
So your help is very much appreciated !!

Are you able to help me with the coding ?

I have no idea where have the coding gone wrong as im not well versed in C++ and unfortunately the deadline for me is nearing and i have got to design a web page for this as well..
So your help is very much appreciated !!

Check this thread. there is a Hi Tech C Code. Change the ADCONx register values according to your project and PIC.

Hi Jayanth,

I will take a look and try with that.. But does my code really cant work or where is the prob with the coding ?


Are you able to help me with the coding ?

I have no idea where have the coding gone wrong as im not well versed in C++ and unfortunately the deadline for me is nearing and i have got to design a web page for this as well..
So your help is very much appreciated !!

Sorry for the delay.

The attached file is a code which i used ADC conversion to display voltage readings. you may want to take a look at how i initialise the ADC part


  • Voltage Test.rar
    57.1 KB · Views: 149

Thanks InNeedOfHelp.

I suppose you are using High Tech C compiler ?

I have still some difficulties. From my Watch viewer, i am able to get the temperature and its ascii code using itoa().
Now my problem is how do i write correctly the coding to display out these ascii code to the LCD.
I seems to have hit a wall with the coding for displaying the data..
Something, somewhere is wrong but i cant pinpoint the problem.

Attached is my Watch window and coding..


#include <p18f4520.h>
#include <delays.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void Init_LCD(void);		// Initialize the LCD
void W_ctr_4bit(char);		// 4-bit Control word for LCD
void W_data_4bit(char);		// 4-bit Text Data for LCD
void Delay_1kcyc(void);		// 1000 cycles delay

#define LCD_RW   	PORTAbits.RA2   	// RW signal for LCD
#define LCD_RS   	PORTAbits.RA3   	// RS signal for LCD
#define LCD_E    	PORTAbits.RA1   	// E signal for LCD

unsigned char 	LCD_TEMP;
unsigned int i=0; 			// Index variable
unsigned int t=0; 			// Variable for temperature
unsigned int val;
char Buffer[5]; 			// Buffer to hold temperature character string

void main(void)
/* Declaration of variables */

	TRISA = 0b11110001;    	// Set Pin RA0, RA4~RA7 as Input, RA1~RA3 as Output

	TRISB = 0b00000000;    	// Set Port B as Output port (LEDs)
	PORTB = 0b00000000;	// Port B initialize as OFF (LEDs not lighted)

    //TRISC = 0b00000000;		// Set PORT C as Output port (Buzzer)

	/* Main program starts */

	Init_LCD(); 		// Init LCD 4-bit interface, multiple line

		/* Measure Temperature */

		ADCON0 = 0b00000001;    	// Select AN0 (channel 0) for Temp sensor, turn on ADC
        		ADCON1 = 0b00001110;	// Select AN0 as ANALOG input, internal voltage
		ADCON2 = 0b00000100;    	// Result Left justified, Manual acquisition time, Fosc/4
		Delay10TCYx(1);        	// Acquisition time 10us (>=5us)

		ADCON0bits.GO = 1;        	// Start A/D Conversion

		while(ADCON0bits.DONE);    	// ADC completed?
			val = ADRESH & 0xff;	// Taking only the values in ADRESH 
			t = ((val/255.0) * 500); 	// To get temperature in Degree Celsius, 255 = 2^8bits, 500 = 10mV/1deg
			if (t > 25)
			PORTB = 0b10101010;

			PORTB = 0b00000000;

			W_ctr_4bit(0xC0);		// Move cursor to line 2 position 1

			itoa(t,Buffer);		// Convert number in variable t to a string and store in variable Buffer
			while (Buffer[i]!=0) 


/* LCD display initialization */
void Init_LCD()		
	// Special Sequence a) to d) required for 4-bit interface

	Delay1KTCYx(15);			//   a) 15ms LCD power-up delay
	W_ctr_4bit(0x03);			//   b) Function Set (DB4-DB7: 8-bit interface)
	Delay1KTCYx(5);			//   c) 5ms delay
	W_ctr_4bit(0x02);			//   d) Function Set (DB4-DB7: 4-bit interface)
	W_ctr_4bit(0b00101000);		// Function Set - 4-bit, 2 lines, 5X7
	W_ctr_4bit(0b00001100);		// Display on, cursor off
	W_ctr_4bit(0b00000110);		// Entry mode - inc addr, no shift
	W_ctr_4bit(0b00000001);		// Clear display & home position
/* Write control word in term of 4-bit at a time to LCD */
void W_ctr_4bit (char x)
	LCD_RW	= 0;			// Logic ‘0’
	LCD_RS	= 0;			// Logic ‘0’
	LCD_TEMP = x;			// Store control word
	LCD_TEMP >>= 4;			// send upper nibble of control word
	LCD_E = 1;			// Logic ‘1’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay
	LCD_E = 0;			// Logic ‘0’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay
	LCD_TEMP = x;			// Store control word
	LCD_TEMP &= 0x0f;		// Send lower nibble of control word
	LCD_E = 1;			// Logic ‘1’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay
	LCD_E = 0;			// Logic 0’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay

/* Write text data in term of 4-bit at a time to LCD */
void W_data_4bit (char x)
	LCD_RW = 0;			// Logic ‘0’
	LCD_RS = 1;			// Logic ‘1’
	LCD_TEMP = x;			// Store text data
	LCD_TEMP >>= 4;			// Send upper nibble of text data
	LCD_E = 1;			// Logic ‘1’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay
	LCD_E = 0;			// Logic ‘0’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay
	LCD_TEMP = x;			// Store text data
	LCD_TEMP &= 0x0f;		// Send lower nibble of text data
	LCD_E = 1;			// Logic ‘1’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay
	LCD_E = 0;			// Logic ‘0’
	Delay1KTCYx(1);			// 1ms delay

Hi starday,

I am not using Hi-Tech Compiler .
I am using the same software and same compiler with you .
Just that my sensor involves I2C routines and your's involves with ADC conversion.

For the display part , im not very sure .
Sorry . thats all i can helped you ..

Thanks mate for your help..

Lets see if someone else is able to help me with the doubt..


unsigned int val;
unsigned int t=0;

val = ADRESH & 0xff; // Taking only the values in ADRESH
t = ((val/255.0) * 500);

Why are you using only 8 bits for the ADC result ?
Resolution is very poor in this case , only 256 levels for 5000 mV
with a LM35DZ 10mV / ° C means scal is 500°C for 5V
so one step is 1.96°C !

if right justified you can use ADRESH <<8 + ADRESL to get 1024 points for 5000mV

You can also use C18 ADC library

#include <adc.h>

#ifndef Byte
#define Byte unsigned char

Byte CRam2[32];

void Init_ADC()
      //config lecture ADC 10 bits  voir page 297 DS
    ADCON0bits.ADON=1;      // ADC enabled chanel 0
    ADCON1bits.PVCFG=0;   // +Vref = +5V AVdd
    ADCON1bits.NVCFG=0;   // -Vref = Gnd AVss 
    ADCON2bits.ADFM=1;     // right justified
    ADCON2bits.ACQT0=0;    // 16 TAD
    ADCON2bits.ADCS0=1;    // Fosc/16

 unsigned char *fltToa (float x, unsigned char *str,char precision)
/* converts a floating point number to an ascii string */
/* x is stored into str, which should be at least 30 chars long */
unsigned char *adpt;
int ie, i, k, ndig;
double y;
ndig = ( precision<=0) ? 7 : (precision > 22 ? 23 : precision+1);
ie = 0;
/* if x negative, write minus and reverse */
if ( x < 0)
  *str++ = '-';
  x = -x;
/* put x in range 1 <= x < 10 */
if (x > 0.0) while (x < 1.0)
  x *= 10.0;		// a la place de =*
while (x >= 10.0)
  x = x/10.0;

// in f format, number of digits is related to size 
 ndig += ie;				// a la place de =+
//round. x is between 1 and 10 and ndig will be printed to
// right of decimal point so rounding is ... 
for (y = i = 1; i < ndig; i++)
  y = y/10.;
x += y/2.;					
if (x >= 10.0) {x = 1.0; ie++;} 
if (ie<0)
   *str++ = '0'; *str++ = '.';
   if (ndig < 0) ie = ie-ndig;
   for (i = -1; i > ie; i--)  *str++ = '0';
for (i=0; i < ndig; i++)
  k = x;
  *str++ = k + '0';
  if (i ==  ie ) *str++ = '.';
  x -= (y=k);	
  x *= 10.0;	
*str = '\0';
return (adpt);

unsigned int  Mesure_ADC(int canal)
{ unsigned int EA;
  ADCON0=1 + (canal<<2);   // ADON=1 et choix de canal 
  Delay10TCYx( 10 ); // Delay for 100TCY
  ConvertADC(); // Start conversion
  while( BusyADC() );
  EA = ReadADC(); // Read result
  return (EA);

void main()
 .. etc .....

   InitADC();   // [B]<-- to adapt to the proper PIC18F4520[/B]

 //T° Ext LM35DZ 0mV at 0°C
  f2=(float)EAx*0.48828125;   //  0.488=500.0/1024.0 
   k=fprintf(_H_USART,"Temperature:%4d  %s°C ; ",EAx,fltToa(f2,CRam1,2));

} // main

replace H_USART by your LCD function

Hi paulfjujo

i am using the 4-bit setup for the LCD so i cant use the full 10bits of ADC.

My setup is such that after i have the input from sensor, i will have a LCD function to process 4 bits by 4 bits and display it.
From my Watch window, i can see the correct display but it just cannot display out on LCD.

i am using the 4-bit setup for the LCD so i cant use the full 10bits of ADC.

There is no relation chip beetwen using 4bits LCD and showing 10bits from ADC !
LCD in 4 bits mode can show 8 bits data
you can display 10 bits data on LCD ! or more ..

to display the value from ADC ( binary value), you have to convert it in BCD mode
and add '0' or 48 to each digit before to send to the LCD.

ex: 769 ADC value will give 301h (binary format) to convert to 769 (in bcd format)
7+48=55 -> 1rst digit gives '7' in ascii format
0+48=48 -> '0' second digit in ascii
1+48 =49-> '1' third digit in ascii
you must send Byte to LCD not 4bits only!
so you need to send 2 times 4bits to send a byte.
MSB of byte , then LSB of the byte
see details in void XLCDPut(char data)

use XLCD from C18 library ,
adapt your pinouts with the file XLCD.DEF or directly like in this below example

 * rev PF Dec 2011
 Definition de l'afficheur en DUR !! donc non parametrable par fichier DEF
 Hardware lié:
 PORTB Upper B4..B7 pour LCD Data D4..D7   avec D0..D3 relies au Gnd (0V)
 PORTB B2 pour RS LCD    B3 pour pin EN LCD
 B0 et B1 sont dispo!

/* DATA_PORT defines the port to which the LCD data lines are connected */


//CTRL_PORT defines the port where the control lines are connected.

//ReadWrite Pin
#define XLCD_RWPIN       PORTBbits.RB1

//RS Pin
#define XLCD_RSPIN   PORTBbits.RB2

//Enable Pin
#define XLCD_ENPIN   PORTBbits.RB3

void XLCDInit(void);                                //to initialise the LCD
void XLCDPut(char data);                            //to put dtat to be displayed
void XLCDPutRamString(char *string);                //to display data string in RAM
void XLCDPutRomString(rom char *string);            //to display data stringin ROM
//char XLCDIsBusy(void);                              //to check Busy flag
void XLCDCommand(unsigned char cmd);                //to send commands to LCD           
//unsigned char XLCDGetAddr(void);
//char XLCDGet(void);

void Pulse_E (void);
void XLCD_pos(char L,char posX);
void Erase_Ligne(char L1);

#define XLCDL1home()    XLCDCommand(0x80)
#define XLCDL2home()    XLCDCommand(0xC0)
#define XLCDClear()     XLCDCommand(0x01)
#define XLCDReturnHome() XLCDCommand(0x02)

void XLCDDelay15ms(void);
void XLCDDelay4ms(void);
void XLCDDelay100us(void);
void XLCD_Delay500ns(void);
void XLCDDelay(void);

 * Function      : void XLCDInit(void)
 * PreCondition  : None
 * Input         : None
 * Output        : None
 * Side Effects  : None
 * Overview      : LCD is intialized
 * Note          : This function will work with Hitachi HD447780 LCD controller.

void XLCDInit(void)

//PORT initialization  
//4bit mode
//Upper 4-bits of the DATAPORT output
//control port initialization
XLCD_RSPIN_TRIS =0;                         //make control ports output
XLCD_RSPIN  =0;                             //clear control ports

//initialization by instruction
//  envoi 3 fois de suite 0x03H sur le quarter MSB du PORTB
// Upper nibble interface
XLCD_DATAPORT   &= 0x0f;        // 1ere init
XLCD_DATAPORT   |= 0b00110000;
Pulse_E() ;

// Upper nibble interface
XLCD_DATAPORT   &= 0x0f;        // 2em ini
XLCD_DATAPORT   |= 0b00110000;
Pulse_E() ;
// Upper nibble interface
XLCD_DATAPORT   &= 0x0f;        // 3em init
XLCD_DATAPORT   |= 0b00110000;
Pulse_E() ;
//Force le mode 4 Bits    0x02H sur quartet MSB du PortB  
//Function SET Commande 0 0 1 DL N F X X  avec RS=0 RW=0
// Upper nibble interface
XLCD_DATAPORT   &= 0x0f;        // Clear upper port
XLCD_DATAPORT   |= 0b00100000;
Pulse_E() ;
//Function SET Commande 0 0 1 DL N F X X  avec RS=0 RW=0
//Definit la taille de l'interface (DL=0 pour mode 4 bits, DL=1 pour mode 8 bits),
// le nombre de lignes (NL=0 pour 1 ligne, N=1 pour 2 ou 4 lignes),
// et la taille des fontes (F=0 pour des cars 5x7, F=1 pour des cars 5x10). 
XLCDCommand(0b00101000);    // 0x28     2Line 5x8

//Display on/off control  0 0 0 0 1 D C B 
// affichage (D), curseur (C), clignotement du curseur (B).
XLCDCommand(0b00001000);    //display off
XLCDCommand(0b00000001);    //display clear

//Entry mode setting
//Entry mode command " 0 0 0 0 0 1 ID S "
//ID =0 no cursor increment during read and write
//ID =1 cursor increment during read and write
//S =0 no display during read and write
//S =1 display shift 
 XLCDCommand(0b00000110);    //if cursor inc and no display shift

//Display on off ,Blink ,cursor command set 
//"0 0 0 0 1 D C B "
//D=1 dislay on, C=1 cursor on, B=1 blink on
XLCDCommand(0b00001111);    //display on cursor on blink on
// end of initialization

void  Pulse_E (void)
XLCD_ENPIN = 1;         
 * Function         : void XLCDCommand(unsigned char cmd)
 * PreCondition     : None
 * Input            : cmd - Command to be set to LCD.
 * Output           : None
void XLCDCommand(unsigned char cmd)
XLCD_DATAPORT &=0x0f;               //clear port
XLCD_DATAPORT |= cmd&0xf0;          //write upper nibble of cmd to UPPERT port
XLCD_DATAPORT &= 0x0f;              //clear port and shift left 4 times
XLCD_DATAPORT |= (cmd<<4)&0xf0;	    //write lower nibble of cmd  to UPPERT port
Pulse_E ();
 * Function         :XLCDPut()
 * PreCondition     :None
 * Input            :data - donnee a transmettre au LCD.
 * Output           :None
void XLCDPut(char data)
XLCD_DATAPORT &=0x0f;               //clear port
XLCD_DATAPORT |= data&0xf0;         //write upper nibble to port
XLCD_ENPIN = 1;                     // Clock the cmd in
XLCD_DATAPORT &= 0x0f;              //clear port
XLCD_DATAPORT |= (data<<4)&0xf0;	//shift left 4 times

 * Function         :XLCDPutRomString(rom char *string)
 * PreCondition     :None    
 * Input            :None
 * Output           :Displays string in Program memory
 * Note             :is lways blocking till the string is written fully

void XLCDPutRomString(rom char *string)
     while(*string)                         // Write data to LCD up to null
        XLCDPut(*string);                   // Write character to LCD
        string++;                           // Increment buffer
 * Function         :XLCDPutRomString(ram char *string)
 * PreCondition     :None    
 * Input            :None
 * Output           :Displays string in Ram memory
 * Note             :is lways blocking till the string is written fully
void XLCDPutRamString(char *string)
    while(*string)                          // Write data to LCD up to null
        XLCDPut(*string);                   // Write character to LCD
        string++;                           // Increment buffer

void XLCD_pos(char L,char posX)
 char x;
 if (L==1) x=0x80+posX;
 if (L==2) x=0xC0+posX;

void Erase_Ligne(char L1)
 char x;
 XLCD_pos(L1,0); //  retour en debut de ligne
 for (x=0;x<16;x++) XLCDPut(' ');

void XLCDDelay15ms (void)
    int i;

void XLCDDelay4ms(void)
    int i;

void XLCD_Delay500ns(void)

void XLCDDelay(void)
    int i;

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