Licensing the use of AMBA SOC bus

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Full Member level 4
Dec 27, 2002
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AMBA SOC bus..

Do you have to license the use of the AMBA bus when doing a design? Or is it just better to use a open interface like Wishbone?


AMBA SOC bus..

I think its open similar wishbone ...

AMBA SOC bus..

It is an open standard. The spec could be downloaded from AMBA website.

Re: AMBA SOC bus..

If you are using proprietary ARM core then I think u have already obtained a licence for it...

Re: AMBA SOC bus..

No license is required.

Is there actually any commercial products using wishbone?

AMBA SOC bus..

AMBA is popular because of the ARM core.
Wishbone is popular because of opercore.
but which one is more popular in commercial products? I think it's obvious.

Re: AMBA SOC bus..

Sure the AMBA is an open industry standard .

Re: AMBA SOC bus..

Its open one but for downloading AMBA specs. we need to register, which is giving some error

AMBA SOC bus..

ocp is another choice, more and more vendors support it now.

AMBA SOC bus..

ocp is too complicated for simple "handmade" SOCs. it's only useful when u have a tool to generate/customize it.

AMBA SOC bus..

amba is an industry standard. it is open. but the arm instruction set is not free. if you want to use the instruction set, you have to buy the license and it is much expensive. in fact, it is almost impossible to afford the license fee. generally, most companies license the arm cores.

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