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Can i interface txs0108e with mcp2515 module?
I am using pic32mm0256gpm064 controller which is 3.3v, and mcp2515 module is 5v, i have tried the module on 3.3v its working but when i checked the tx and rx count in mcp module it increased means i have lost some of the packages.
I think its due to TJA1050, because its datasheet says this device is compatible with 3.3v devices but its power is 4.75 min to 5.25 max.
Any suggestions?
Can i interface txs0108e with mcp2515 module?
I am using pic32mm0256gpm064 controller which is 3.3v, and mcp2515 module is 5v, i have tried the module on 3.3v its working but when i checked the tx and rx count in mcp module it increased means i have lost some of the packages.
I think its due to TJA1050, because its datasheet says this device is compatible with 3.3v devices but its power is 4.75 min to 5.25 max.
Any suggestions?