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Let's learn & build simple AVR project!Need ur participa

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Jun 29, 2004
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simple avr project

Hi,guys why don't we learn together about programming using C compiler with Codevisionavr (and the emulator i use AVR studio 4) and try to programming the AVR MCU like AT2313. I'm newbie in programming AVR,so i don't have a much experience in programming with this MCU. I found a site which can help us to understanding AVR MCU
Then i only try to turn on 1 led, and the program like this;
//include file
#include <90s2313.h>
//main program
void main (void)
//Port B as an output only
DDRB = 0x00;
//Turn on 1led
So,this is a simple program using C languagewhich i can build. Can anyone helpme to develop this simple program so this simple program become more complicated and interest by adding my simple program with your program. Maybe we can add some swicth or timer interrup etc. Need your participate.Let's learn AVR Together!!! 8O

avr project stopwatch

Im newbee too!!. I cant build anything cos i have a test next week, but you can learn a lot from here:


simple avr add in program

Ok, thx. But can you add some program so that program become more complicated Mr.Moof.What compiler do you use?Basic?C?Pascal?Or only assembly?

avr stopwatch project

Im using AVR studion 4, but, actually i want to use (i have it but i didnt have enough time to learn) IAR. I have another to use, but as i told you, im studing so i guess that in augost i going to return to program :D

fastavr bcd keyword

Ok,lets build a project on august we learn together

learn avr

MR MOOF I found many compiler for this AVR MCU so i rather confused to decided which compiler should i use. There is fastavr with a basic language, codevision with c and embedded pascal with pascal.

learn fast avr

Well, im always using assembly or C. I choose C cos i already know it, and i like it more than Basic :p

I guess that you should decide for the best lenguague you know.

I read somewhere that the best speed vs rom space compiler is IAR thats why i downloaded.

I will be happy to make a common proyect with you!! :D

So, Lets learn together :)

simple avr led

I think, i must learn in c language, mybe i can learn from you Mr.Moof because u already know C language,Eventhough i only familiar with a pascal language. But i only have codevisionavr not IAR, but i think the principle of the program is the same the different is only about keyword or special function of that program. I don't have many experience in programming with AVR, my first project is build a stopwatch using AT89c2051, which can drive 4 seven segmen using 74ls47(BCD to 7 segmen)an i use scanning method. Mr.Moof do you have any idea or plan to build on this project. Actually i want to build an security alarm for my motorcycle. How about you Mr. Moof?Or any body who want to give an idea to build something project?Let's learn and build project together!Need your participation so this project can be succesfull. Maybe a super moderator (etc Mr.ME) can give us an idea to build something for newbie in AVR programming?
Because with a case and problem we can learn fast, not only theory how to program.Come guys join us and give ur idea!!Thx

simple avr robot -servo

may be i can help you
i have many idea to do but i dont know c very well
any one of you can help me
we can do this together
may be we can build sistem that can be a small robot. this robot can be send letter in the office to person desk. i mean tracking robot to delivered document in office

avr projects stopwatch

Ok, caesar ur idea is very great. So that's project seems complicated and difficult for a newbie in Avr. You mean to build a Tracking robot, so the robot can deliver letter or document from one person to another?So, in the office there must be a tracking line white or black and the robot must recognizing the deskoffice of every person in the office. Can you describe some block diagram of ur project?

very simple avr project

:cry: i meant not a white or black line
maybe the floor can be amotif that can be a track
or we can in every desk we have different signal
every signal have different motif. that robot can detect we can use matriks
that in the office room
so efferi desk have number in matriks
:arrow: :)

oh, i'm understand. But the every desk must have signal. How about creating a color sensor. My mean in every end line in the desk we build like base station line which have a different color so when the robot sensor detect the color of the base station the robot can detect/ recognized the desk. But it's become more complicated. Can we build some simple project. Like tracking robot using AVR IC but the robot have a feedback sensor so the tracking robot can't crash with other object ?Any body can give an idea about this project planning?

Hum, it seems that making robots is the first activity which every one wants to do , at the first stages of learning AVR. Why not make a simple DC to AC converter?

i don't know much about AVR Project, but may i learn from you?

Re: Let's learn & build simple AVR project!Need ur parti

you mean a simple ac to dc converter
may be we can realistis in hardware
may any one help to make the idea of tis project 8)

mami_hacky did you mean to build a PWM make analog voltage from digital pulse?can you describe about ur AC/DC?

caesar_30 how about to build very simple project first like a running led so we can learn a basic about avr programming?

can your tell me about pwm

i think is goo idea
but not have callenge in it
any another idea may be another can

i have idea
may we have a
timer first. we can use it any of them

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