led display 128*128 full color with ledstudio

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Newbie level 5
Sep 26, 2006
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help me for design the hardware for supporting ledstudio software
this project use 74hc164 interface
and controlling with pc
i dont know this system used the controller for connect the pc to 74hc 164
help me
my problem is very emergency

Added after 5 minutes:

for download ledstudio software use this link
**broken link removed**

Added after 6 minutes:

for download led display board interface pcb or schematic use this link
for full color **broken link removed**
for double color **broken link removed**

MOD: Donot upload anything which is freely available on the net. Just give the links

led studio 8

the hub card is 74hc164 or 74hc595 interface board
but i need the sending and recieving interface card
this picture for more


iam asking you about the serial number of the led studio pleae
can you upload it

ledstudio8 serial

I could not install LEDStudio it requires serial number!!!

led studio serial

hrhgroup said:
I could not install LEDStudio it requires serial number!!!

When the program complains that it can't find the license file just click on the option that takes you to the site. You enter your name and email address and they will send you the licence.

led studio software


Added after 52 seconds:

i need the hardware for coonecting led display to pc

ledstudio download

i have a specific problem with this software.
all works fine, but when i put even simplest web page in playlist software it is crushing
down. i need to play web pages for specific reasons. all other formats, videos and pictures works fine, but web doesn't. Ledstudio8 just disapear from my desktop.
i been try many other versions of ledstudio8, but every time i got same error.
maybe someone can help..

Re: ledstudio

for full color **broken link removed**
for double color **broken link removed**

what software i have to use to see this sch/pcb file
any how thanks in advance

Sorry, full color **broken link removed**
doesnt function...
What kind of CAD files are their in Hub10 pls, need I some viewer for check it?

Tnx Zasto,
Befor was for me a downloading inpossible_ yet does.
In my altium(PCAD) are both not to open:-(...

Hi karesz

PCAD was bought by Altium (used to be Protel before).

It opens in AltiumDesigner and in Protel99 SE SP6 (second one tested )

if you open the SCH file in any hex editor you will see:
Protel for Windows - Schematic Capture Binary File Version 1.2 - 2.0

and for PCB:
PCB 4.0 Binary File


hello. My name is Rogelson. I tried downloading the link schema Led 128x128 screen but I can not open. Gives error. I've used the program to open and can not. You've got to send me via email Scam? I would be very grateful! My email is


Is there anyone can help me? I am having trouble with the receiver card 801 Linsn.

It’s start from one broken receiver card then I replaced it with another receiver card from another factory. (It’s because the original factory wasn’t producing anymore.) And now the whole panel been error and I don’t have the file .RCG.

I can’t ask for the file to the origin factory since it’s closed.

My panel size is 128*96 PH20. hub 75, rv801

Thank you for your help.

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