learning programming for microcontrollers

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i suggest BASIC programming.

my own candid opinion is this. when i wanted start with microcontrollers (PIC) i searched for differnt books and i read through. what i found out is each author has a language of choice. so what i will suggest is try and get yourself books on microcontroller of your choice know how it works then you can now choose a language that is suitable for you to learn and the one you can easily manipulate. good luck

I would agree with what Watermelon said, strangely though no one else seems to agree!

I suggest you start with Assembly and don't learn too many instructions (just 10-15 everyday instructions like MOV,SET,CLR,JMP,etc are good enough).

1. Directly programming with assembly exposes you to the exact way the signal flows. Also, assembly programming is very straight forward.

2. There are no well defined programming constructs that you need to learn.

3. It is a LOT easier to interface with external ICs (like ADCs, DACs, etc) b/c the coding exactly follows what the datasheet for the chip says.

4. Then ofcourse, assembly coded programs are ALWAYS smaller than what C/C++ compiler translates your code into, and program memory is a scarce resource in microcontrollers. So, good coders should assembly as well as C/C++....that is why I suggest you start with assembly and then move on to C aftersome time. So, you'll be able to tweak your C compiler generated code using assembly.


Well said zeeshanzia84.

If someone wanting to work with embedded design is afraid of a little learning and wants to skip the basics they'll have a hard time understanding why their code doesn't work as they expect.

i suggest BASIC programming too.

c will save ur lot of time ...... so start with c

i do agree with Watermelon and zeeshanzia84, starting with assembler is one of the best option if you do care to undestand how the uC really works.

But, no body realy care to ask wether you already had any programming background.

So if you do have any programming language you are used to i suggest you simply build on it.

all programming language is easy as long as you are used to it.

Basic - Use Mikro Basic
C - Use MikroC
Pascal - Use MicroPascal

Choose any of the one once you have a good grip on the assembly language


basic and c are the best each one has advantages better than other

For microcontrollers, it is important to know the hardware and peripherals included on the chip. It is much easier to learn using this hardware / peripherals when learning assembly.

Learning BASIC or C could be the next step.

I think the easiest programming language is C.

I've studied with it because you have a full control of the uC, and if you want to enter asm code you can do it aswell.

in basic you can equally have a full control of the uC, and if you want to enter asm code you can do it aswell.

as i earlier said simply choose the one you are used to.

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