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i am trying to display data that i dictated to the LCD. lets say z=10, but the lcd only display random data not 10. can someone point me out where I did it wrong
#include <p18Cxxx.h>
#include <delays.h>
#pragma config WDT = OFF, LVP = OFF, FOSC = HS, XINST = OFF
void SendLCD(unsigned char Byte, char type);
void E_TOG(void);
void SendNyb(unsigned char Byte);
void LCD_Init(void);
void SetLine (char line);
void LCD_String(unsigned rom char *string);
#define LCD LATD //LCD Latch PORT
#define LCD_RS LATDbits.LATD4 //Register Select (0: Instruction/ 1: Data)
#define LCD_E LATDbits.LATD5 //Enable (Starts data read/write)
#define LCDT TRISD //LCD Tris port
void main (void)
char x,tmp; //Some Variables
int i;
unsigned char z[10];
OSCCON = 0x72; //8MHz clock/while(!OSCCONbits.IOFS); //Wait for OSC to become stable
ADCON1 = 0x0F; //Make all pins digital
LCD_Init(); //Initialize the LCD
while(1){SetLine(1); //Set Line 1
LCD_String((unsigned rom char*)z[i]); //Send out string
//SetLine(2); //Set Line 2
//LCD_String((unsigned rom char*)" Successful. "); //Send out string
void LCD_String(unsigned rom char *string){
while(*string != 0){ //While the data pointed to isnt a 0x00 do below
SendLCD(*string++,1); //Send out the current byte pointed to
void LCD_Init(void){
LCDT = 0x00; //Set LCD Pins as output
LCD &= 0xF0; //clear only te db4:db7 pins
Delay10KTCYx(3); //delay 15mS
SendNyb(0x03); //Function set (Interface is 8 bits long.)
Delay10KTCYx(1); //delay 5mS
SendNyb(0x03); //Function set (Interface is 8 bits long.)
Delay100TCYx(3); //delay 150uS
SendNyb(0x03); //Function set (Interface is 8 bits long.)
Delay100TCYx(3); //delay 150uS
SendNyb(0x02); //Function set (Interface is 8 bits long.)
Delay100TCYx(1); //delay 50uS
SendLCD(0x28,0); //Function set (Interface is 4 bits long.) 2-lines, 5x8 dots
Delay100TCYx(1); //delay 50uS
SendLCD(0x10,0); //Cursor move, Shift to the Left
Delay100TCYx(1); //delay 50uS
SendLCD(0x06,0); //Increment
Delay100TCYx(1); //delay 50uS
SendLCD(0x0D,0); //Sets entire display On ,cursor Off, and blinking of cursor position ON
Delay100TCYx(1); //delay 50uS
SendLCD(0x01,0); //Clears entire display and sets DDRAM address 0 in address counter.
Delay10KTCYx(1); //delay 5mS
void E_TOG(void){
LCD_E = 1; //Set Enable High
Delay10TCY(); //Delay 5uS
LCD_E = 0; //Set Enable Low
void SetLine (char line){
if(line == 1) SendLCD(0x80,0); //Send 0x80 to set line to 1
if(line == 2) SendLCD(0xC0,0); //Send 0xC0 to set line to 2
Delay100TCYx(1); //delay 50uS
void SendLCD(unsigned char Byte, char type){
char ByteL;
LCD_RS = type; //Set whether it is a Command (0) or Data/Char (1)
ByteL = Byte & 0x0F; //Place Byte in ByteL and Clear the high part of byte
Byte >>= 4; //Shift over Byte by 4
LCD &= 0xF0; //Clear the LCD portion on the PORTA only
LCD |= Byte; //OR the new data to the LCD portion of PORTA (sending high part of byte)
E_TOG(); //Toggle the E(enable)
Delay10TCY(); //Delay 5uS
LCD &= 0xF0; //Same as above
LCD |= ByteL; //Same as above (sending low part of byte)
E_TOG(); //same as above
void SendNyb(unsigned char Byte){
Byte &=0x0F; //Clear the top half of byte
LCD &= 0xF0; //Clear the LCD half of PORTA
LCD |= Byte; //OR the new data into LCD part of PORTA
E_TOG(); //Toggle E(enable)