LCD Interface with dsPIC30F

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Newbie level 3
Apr 30, 2010
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Can some one please help for the 16 x2 bit LCD interface with dspic30f?

Connect vcc, vss & a resistor or VR on appropriate pins and also data (8bit or 4bit).

But why you selected dsPIC30 for your application. Bcoz I don't think you are going to do any signal processing

yes i am doing signal processing..

Please help for dspic30f ADC code for simultaneous sampling...

I haven't used the dsPIC30, but I have used dsPIC33 and here's the code for simultaneous sampling:
#include <p33fj16gp304.h>


void delay (void)
{	T3CONbits.TON = 1;
	while (!_T3IF);
}// end sub

void main (void)
{	TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 1;
	TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 1;
	TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 1;
	TRISB = 0;
	T3CON = 0x8030;
	PR3 = 12500;
//ADC Configuration:
	AD1CON1bits.AD12B = 0; //10-bit
	AD1CON2bits.CHPS = 1; //CH0 and CH1
	AD1CON2bits.VCFG = 0; //AVDD-AVSS
	AD1CON3bits.ADCS = 2; //ADCS = 2, TAD = 75n	
	AD1CON1bits.FORM1 =	 0; //integer
	AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 7; //auto convert
	AD1PCFGL = 0xFFFC; //CH0, CH1
	AD1CON1bits.SIMSAM = 1; //Simultaneous scanning
	AD1CON2bits.ALTS = 0; //Dont' alternate between MuxA and MuxB
	AD1CHS0bits.CH0NA = 0; //AVss
	AD1CHS0bits.CH0NB = 0; //AVss
	AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 6; //For Ch0, MuxA, AN6
	AD1CHS123bits.CH123NA = 0; //VREF-
	AD1CHS123bits.CH123NB = 0; //VREF-
	AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1; //Start ADC Module
//done with ADC config
	while (1)
	{	AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;
		while (!AD1CON1bits.DONE);
		LATB = ADC1BUF0 >> 2;
		LATB = ADC1BUF1 >> 2;

After a little programming in C30, I moved to mikroBASIC. So here's a code for multi-sampling in PIC24. I've heard the modules in PIC24 and dsPIC30 are similar. So here's the code:
program multisampleADC

dim ADCValue as word


     AD1PCFG = $0000 ' All channels are Analog
     AD1CSSL = $FFFF ' Scan all channels
     AD1CHS  = $0000 ' Start with AN0 (dont matter coz o' samplin)
     AD1CON1 = $00E0
     ' bit 15:    ADON = 0; ADC Module off to allow write to all other registers; recommended in datasheet
     ' bit 14:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 13:    ADSIDL = 0; Stop in idle mode
     ' bit 12:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 11:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 10:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 9:     Form1 = 0; For decimal value
     ' bit 8:     Form0 = 0; For decimal value
     ' bit 7:     SSRC2 = 1; For autoconvert
     ' bit 6:     SSRC1 = 1; For autoconvert
     ' bit 5:     SSRC0 = 1; For autoconvert
     ' bit 4:     Unimplemented
     ' bit 3:     Unimplemented
     ' bit 2:     ASAM = 0; Autosample off
     ' bit 1:     SAMP = 0;
     ' bit 0:     DONE = 0;
     AD1CON2 = $043C
     ' bit 15:    VCFG2 = 0; For Vr+ = Vdd, Vr- = Vss
     ' bit 14:    VCFG1 = 0; For Vr+ = Vdd, Vr- = Vss
     ' bit 13:    VCFG0 = 0; For Vr+ = Vdd, Vr- = Vss
     ' bit 12:    Reserved
     ' bit 11:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 10:    CSCNA = 1; Scan inputs
     ' bit 9:     Unimplemented
     ' bit 8:     Unimplemented
     ' bit 7:     BUFS = 0
     ' bit 6:     Unimplemented
     ' bit 5:     SMPI3 = 1; Interrupt after conversion of all channels (16th sample)
     ' bit 4:     SMPI2 = 1; Interrupt after conversion of all channels (16th sample)
     ' bit 3:     SMPI1 = 1; Interrupt after conversion of all channels (16th sample)
     ' bit 2:     SMPI0 = 1; Interrupt after conversion of all channels (16th sample)
     ' bit 1:     BUFM = 0; Buffer configured as 16bit register
     ' bit 0:     ALTS = 0; Always use MUXA
     AD1CON3 = $0C02
     ' bit 15:    ADRC = 0; Clock derived from System Clock
     ' bit 14:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 13:    Unimplemented
     ' bit 12:    SAMC4 = 0; Set for 12Tad
     ' bit 11:    SAMC3 = 1; Set for 12Tad
     ' bit 10:    SAMC2 = 1; Set for 12Tad
     ' bit 9:     SAMC1 = 0; Set for 12Tad
     ' bit 8:     SAMC0 = 0; Set for 12Tad
     ' bit 7:     ADCS7 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 6:     ADCS6 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 5:     ADCS5 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 4:     ADCS4 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 3:     ADCS3 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 2:     ADCS2 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 1:     ADCS1 = 0; Set for 2Tcy
     ' bit 0:     ADCS0 = 1; Set for 2Tcy
     TRISA   = $FF00
     TRISB   = $FFFF
     TRISD   = $0000
     AD1CON1.15 = 1 'Start ADC [AD1CON1.15 = AD1CON1.ADON]
     while TRUE
           AD1CON1.1 = 1 'Start Sampling
           while (AD1CON1.0 = 0)
                 if (AD1CON1.1 = 0) then
                    AD1CON1.2 = 1 'Sampling has started and first sampling is done so start autosampling
                 end if
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF0 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.0 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF1 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           PORTD = 1
           LATD.1 = 1

           ADCValue = ADC1BUF2 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATD = 0
           LATD.2 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF3 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.3 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF4 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.4 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF5 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.5 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF6 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.6 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF7 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.7 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF8 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.8 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUF9 >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.9 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUFA >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.10 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUFB >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.11 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUFC >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.12 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUFD >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.13 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUFE >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATD = 0
           LATD.14 = 1
           ADCValue = ADC1BUFF >> 2
           PORTA = ADCVALUE
           LATA = 0
           LATD = 0
           LATD.15 = 1


Hope this helps.

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