lcd graphic display,help needed!!!

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Newbie level 3
Feb 1, 2012
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hello to you all!
realy need some help from you guys
here is the problem,I have roland td 10 drum sound module,couple days ago lcd screen go dead
spending hours on interner to find replacement lcd but no luck!
the manufactor the OPTREX japan no loger produce this tipe of lcd
format of this lcd is 64x160 dot pixels and 15 pin conection and work on 5 volts power
all others manufactures of displays do not fabricate this kind
the display run on EPSON SED1335F0B controler which is pre programed by roland
my question is can I replace this lcd whit some other bigger or smaller lcd scren lie 164 x128 or something like that?
thanks for help in advance and sory fo my bad english!!:smile:

Unless you fancy a major design project I think you are screwed. Your best bet is probably to find a second hand module. Even a broken one, provided the display works, would be OK. There are reports of the zebra strip coupling to the LCD being a reliability issue so if the unit is scrap anyway then it may be worthwhile opening it up to see if that is the problem. Be aware that the reports I found were from people who did that when they had missing display lines and they completely screwed up the display by taking it apart.

The data sheet for the Epson controller is available and like many display drivers is designed to cover a range of display sizes. So, in theory, if you could find a display using the same (or software and hardware compatible) drive chip you would be able to hook it up and the have a usable display. It is also possible that the pixels end up in the wrong place i.e. horizontal or vertical pixel lines don't match up.

You could try Roland, but 10 years ago it was a $175 repair. They may not have displays any more. The forum may be a better place to ask, if you haven't already.


the lcd dosent have the drive unit built in
the drive EPSON is on the mother board and it fully operational
I try it,my friend have also the td 10 so wee took lcd from it and put it to my module and it worked fine
i contact roland but no luck
also we discovered that the chip on lc screen go realy hot and it have dark spot in the midle
thanks for the reply

It is very unusual for an LCD to break except for physically. I guess that is what has happened in your case.

I am not sure if it is easy to get a graphical LCD glass without a driver chip nowadays. If so, there is a chance it could be made to work but you would be relying on the connections being in the same place as you existing display in order to connect through the zebra strip. It is difficult to be specific because I haven't seen inside the Roland module (I am a Yamaha man).


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