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Newbie level 1
Oct 12, 2006
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gnome cygwin

i've no knowledge about UNIX/LINUX at all.
recently, i've found cygwin
i'd like to know
1. can i use kde and/or gnome under cygwin?
2. if so, how shall i do?

clear, detail steps pls, i'am absolutely newbie to linux.

how can i study linux?

thank in advance.

cygwin gnome

I suggest you readup more on linux and how linux works. Then look into the console commands.
To be able to run kde or gnome in cygwin you need to have a
xserver setup and runnign as well. if the xserver is running in deamon mode, you can setup kde or gnome to start when running xinit or startx or gnome-session.

cygwin start gnome

Forget cygwin for the time being. If you want to learn linux, then you want to learn how to install, how to partition, etc and have an environment that you can quickly trash and start all over (or continue from a snapshot). What you really want is something like VMWare server / workstation or Qemu (VMware is probably easier to start with). Then go get a distro such as Fedora or Suse and get a book on it. Learn how to install, how to partition, how to administer, how to get Apache running on it, user management. That's the fastest, safeset way to learn Linux. Go to forums and ask around. Good luck

start gnome on cygwin

mmmm I also dont know so much of linux, but I have cygwin installed in my PC and it doesn´t run, would be better if I had run any distro of linux in my PC in order to learn before fight with cygwin.:idea: I think that cygwin is bad:!: but this idea would be due to i hadn´t succes with ASITIC and CADENCE on cygwin.
but i will install a distro of linux and before with more knowledge i will have my revenge with cygwin.
I suggest you do the same

how to start gnome in cygwin

Cgywin is a gcc compiler designed for windows OS, not include desk enviroment.

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