ISE floorplanner - some questions

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Jul 17, 2003
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ISE floorplanner ?

Firstly, thanks for your reply, I successfully installed ModelSim.
Now I am learning ISE floorplanner.
What does this means?
counter "counter" [ 13IOB, 6FGs, 4CYs, 4 DFFs, 1BUFG ]
This is a 4bit counter, I know it use 4 DFFs. but how about the others?

Thank you guys.


Well, you need some other things to make a counter out of
4 pure flip-flops, don't you?

So, you will find your input/output pads (IOBs), the combinational
logic in function generators (FGs), a clock buffer (GBUF or
equivalent), etc...

My opinion is that, albeit this is a bit funny to play with, you shouldn't
care about the floorplanner until you reach much higher levels
in the use of FPGAs. Xilinx autoroute will nicely take care of all this
if you give it at least some minimal constraints (Clock speed, IOB
signaling type and pad location mainly).

When you will implement designs with a fast clock and crammed
devices, you will go back to this.

I agree with Santa.
If you are a beginner, you need not worry about floorplanning.

I suggest you to study the FPGA data sheet and architecture well before you try any design. It's very important to understand the architecture for a good design.

refer to LIB documentation manual to know the available architecture specific components.

I agree with the rest of the guys, DO NOT use floorplanner if you are starting with FPGA/CPLD design and if you are lucky you won't need to use it in your life because is a nightmare.

What I find very useful is FPGA Editor, with it you can learn a lot about internal architecture of the target device, use it!

- maestor

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