Is there a graphical Spartan 3 simulator?

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Junior Member level 3
Jun 14, 2006
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Hi all

Is there any software that lets you simulate real spartan 3 hardware but graphically(for example somebody picture board and do program that will simulate real thing). It is difficult to me to run to university every day to test my work.

It is easier to me to see if diode lights up or 7 seg displays number than to look at binary signals in xilinx as simulator.

spartan 3e software simulator

If it's the popular "Spartan-3 Starter Kit", then you could buy your own for $99 US:

I haven't seen any whole-board simulators. Most engineers spend hours/days/weeks staring at binary signals in something like ModelSim. Are you using ModelSim? If you really miss that 7-segment display, you could write and compile a small external graphics display program, and connect it into ModelSim through something like DPI (Direct Programming Interface) or FLI (Foreign Language Interface). Or maybe use Tcl/Tk to create a custom graphics window. ModelSim probably provides several methods for doing stuff like that, but I haven't explored most of them.

Here's an example of the Tcl/Tc display method:
**broken link removed**

+spartan simulator fpga

Ok, thanks for help. I just might buy one

spartan simulator

There is a MATLAB link with ActiveHDL by which you can simulate the output of your FPGA within a complete SimuLink system

spartan 3 simulator?

Spartan-3E Starter is worth buying , i think

Spartan 3 simulator


its better to buy spartan 3e starter board.....

u can learn lot........

Re: Spartan 3 simulator

yasser_shoukry said:
There is a MATLAB link with ActiveHDL by which you can simulate the output of your FPGA within a complete SimuLink system
i know about link for modelsim.
is there a link with active HDL too....?

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