Is there a delay element in Xilinx FPGAs or CPLDs?

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Full Member level 6
Mar 1, 2003
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Delay Element?

Is there a delay element in Xilinx FPGAs or CPLDs?

Re: Delay Element?

no !

Delay Element?

Or a way to make a delay?

Delay Element?

Yes, some Xilinx FPGAs provide adjustable IDELAY and IODELAY primitives in the device's I/O blocks. They are most often used to make small adjustments to I/O timing, but with some imagination you can find other creative uses. For details, refer to your FPGA User Guide, and the special ISE Libraries Guide for your specific FPGA.

Those delays require instantiation of special library primitives. They are not accessible from the common delay statements in Verilog or VHDL.


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Re: Delay Element?

I'll add to Echo47 that the delay element are on Xilinx Virtex-4 and Virtex-5. It's a bunch of delay taps that you can adjust on each IO for dynamic phase alignment solutions for high-speed source-synchronous interfaces.
refer to this article for more info
**broken link removed**

Delay Element?

In Virtex-5, the IODELAY can be routed directly into the logic fabric. That lets you do fun things inside the FPGA without going through an I/O pad.

The various Spartan-3x FPGA's also provide programmable input delay, but the delay steps are coarser and less flexible than the Virtex-4 and Virtex-5.

Delay Element?

what kind delay are you asking? Simple delay element is counter, delays on io buffers are not recommended, because those ones are small and using to acomplish PCB layout

Re: Delay Element?

use FF to delay.

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