Is there a ATPG tool for Windows?

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Only synopsys's TetraMax.
Synopsys has not provided new version production on windows platform since version 2000.11.

Interesting Topic! Can anyone provide more infos about TetraMax, such as usage experiences and the tool performance itself ?


from 2002.05 version, synopsys only support TetraMax as ATPG tool.
so, if you have ATPG vector in synopsys DFT compiler ,
you have to buy TetraMax license.

until 2001.08 version, synopsys support "create_test_patterns" in DFT_compiler. but now this command disappear and replaced by Tetramax
also support only " estimate_test_patterns"

if you don't use TetraMax in ATPG , you have to anther EDA
for example , syntest , veratest etc.

Hoping to help

ATPG tool for windows

anyone have the code for ATPG or fault simulition?

Re: ATPG tool for windows

mentor and synopsys and synyest has atpg tools.

ATPG tool for windows

I have some sourcecode for ATPG,
is there someone want them?

ATPG tool for windows

you can get any core from and try to run through ATPG.before go through the DFT flow

ATPG tool for windows

Is there any ATPG tool for windows?

ATPG tool for windows

Never heard FastScan/FlexTest or Tmax have version of Windows platform.

Are there any other ATPG tools?

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