Advanced Member level 2

SMPS consists of a controller IC, switching element and diode (both of which might be present inside the controller IC) and some inductors and capacitors as energy storage elements and/or filter and some resistors. The resistors could be used to create some sort of analogue filter and might be used to create voltage divider to provide the feedback voltage to the controller IC.
Now, is it sufficient that we use the formulas and other data given in the datahseet to calculate the component values and then create the schematic, PCB layout and the final design for testing OR, is it also important to simulate the SMPS design in some sort of SPICE simulator tool?
Now, is it sufficient that we use the formulas and other data given in the datahseet to calculate the component values and then create the schematic, PCB layout and the final design for testing OR, is it also important to simulate the SMPS design in some sort of SPICE simulator tool?