Is it difficult to program AVR MCU using Assembly language??

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Member level 5
Jun 29, 2004
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assembly language avr code

Is it difficult to program osing assembly language?Or easier if i use C compiler or another compiler?Because i ussually use assembly language in 8051.

Re: Is it difficult to program AVR MCU using Assembly langua

If you now C is easy to programming with C comliper but in assembler you have much more control about resurces (timers,I/O ports, etc..) . I use Assembler ( AVR studio4 from Atmel company).

Re: Is it difficult to program AVR MCU using Assembly langua

Well, if you already code in ASM on 8051 then all you really need is an Instruction set update

Have a look here..

Re: Is it difficult to program AVR MCU using Assembly langua

Previously i write programs for 8051 in assembly like you too. Then i find it easy for me to program in C for 8051.

After getting familiar with 8051, i moved to AVR. I learnt AVR assembly language mainly from sample programs. An excellent website for this is h**p:// I use AVR Studio, it is very convenient.

The point is, it is not difficult to program AVR with assembly.

Good luck.

Re: Is it difficult to program AVR MCU using Assembly langua

if u have extensive experience in 8051 assembly i think it is easier to write it avr assembly, code is compact and generally all your "time" requirements are met.

Re: Is it difficult to program AVR MCU using Assembly langua

I started with Pic, moved to 8051 and now I am using AVR (all in assembler) and they all have their pros and cons. My biggest gripe with AVR are the equates. For example if yo have an LED on port A bit 3, you cannot equate portA,3 as LED. You have to equate LED=3 and then refer to it as PortA,LED, instead of just LED. The problem is if you move the LED from 1 port to another, you cannot just edit the equate. But having said that I still found AVR assembler quite easy to master.
AVR studio (which is free) does have a few bugs but they are quite manageable.
My conclusion - stay with assembler.

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