<INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of 2

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Jul 26, 2010
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<INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of 2

ERROR "Operator <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of 2"

Library IEEE ;
Use IEEE . std_logic_1164 .All ;
Use IEEE .numeric_std .All ;

Package matrix_types Is
Type matrix_2x2 Is Array (1 to 2, 1 to 2) Of Signed (31 downto 0); --row x column

Type matrix_2x1 Is Array (1 to 2) Of Signed (31 downto 0); --row x column

Type matrix_1x2 Is Array (1 to 2) Of Signed (31 downto 0); --row x column
End Package matrix_types ;

Library IEEE ;
Use IEEE . std_logic_1164 .All ;
Use IEEE .numeric_std .All ;
use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

Use IEEE .std_logic_arith .All ;

Use work .matrix_types .All ;
Use std. textio .All ;

Entity kf_top Is
Port ( z_position : In Signed (31 downto 0);
reset :In Std_logic ;
position , velocity : Out Signed (31 downto 0));
End kf_top ;

Architecture kf_behav Of kf_top Is

-- *****************************************
--* Function to multiply two 2x2 matrices *
-- *****************************************
Function matrix_mult_2x2 (A,B: matrix_2x2 )
Return matrix_2x2 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x2 ;
Variable func_temp1 : Signed (63 downto 0) :=( OTHERS => '0');
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
For L In 1 to 2 Loop
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
func_temp1 := (A(i,j)*B(j,L)) + func_temp1 ;
End Loop ;
result (i,L) := func_temp1 (47 downto 16) ;
func_temp1 :=( OTHERS => '0');
End Loop ;
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_mult_2x2 ;

-- ************************************
--* Function to add two 2x2 matrices *
-- ************************************
Function matrix_add_2x2 (A,B: matrix_2x2 )
Return matrix_2x2 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x2 ;
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
result (i,j) := A(i,j)+B(i,j);
End Loop ;
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_add_2x2 ;

-- ********************************************
--* Function to add a scalar to a 2x2 matrix *
-- ********************************************
Function matrix_add_int_2x2 (A: matrix_2x2 ;B: Signed (31 downto 0))
Return matrix_2x2 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x2 ;
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
result (i,j) := A(i,j)+B;
End Loop ;
End Loop ;
End matrix_add_int_2x2 ;

-- ************************************************
--* Function to multiply a 2x2 with a 2x1 matrix *
-- ************************************************
Function matrix_mult_2x2_2x1 (A: matrix_2x2 ;B: matrix_2x1 )
Return matrix_2x1 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x1 ;
Variable func_temp1 : Signed (63 downto 0) :=( OTHERS => '0');
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
func_temp1 := (A(i,j)*B(j)) + func_temp1 ;
End Loop ;
result (i) := func_temp1 (47 downto 16);
func_temp1 :=
( OTHERS=> '0');
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_mult_2x2_2x1 ;
-- *************************************************
--* Function to multiply a 1x2 with a 2x2 matrix *
-- *************************************************
Function matrix_mult_1x2_2x2 (A: matrix_1x2 ;B: matrix_2x2 )
Return matrix_1x2 Is
Variable result : matrix_1x2 ;
Variable func_temp1 : Signed (63 downto 0) :=
( OTHERS=> '0');
Begin --Begin function code .
For L In 1 to 2 Loop
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
func_temp1 := (A(j)*B(j,L)) + func_temp1 ;
End Loop ;
result (L) := func_temp1 (47 downto 16);
func_temp1 :=( OTHERS => '0');
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_mult_1x2_2x2 ;

-- *************************************************
--* Function to multiply a 1x2 with a 2x1 matrix *
-- *************************************************
Function matrix_mult_1x2_2x1 (A: matrix_1x2 ;B: matrix_2x1 )
Return Signed Is
Variable result : Signed (63 downto 0) :=( OTHERS => '0');
Begin --Begin function code .
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
result := (A(j)*B(j)) + result ;
End Loop ;
Return result (47 downto 16);
End matrix_mult_1x2_2x1 ;

-- ************************************************
--* Function to multiply a 2x1 and a 1x2 matrix *
-- ************************************************
Function matrix_mult_2x1_1x2 (A: matrix_2x1 ;B: matrix_1x2 )
Return matrix_2x2 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x2 ;
Variable func_temp1 : Signed (63 downto 0);
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
For L In 1 to 2 Loop
func_temp1 := (A(i)*B(L));
result (i,L) := func_temp1 (47 downto 16) ;
End Loop ;
end loop;
Return result ;
End matrix_mult_2x1_1x2 ;

-- **************************************************
--* Function to multiply a 2x1 matrix and a scalar *
-- **************************************************
Function matrix_mult_2x1_int (A: matrix_2x1 ;B: Signed (31 downto 0))
Return matrix_2x1 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x1 ;
Variable func_temp1 : Signed (63 downto 0);
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
func_temp1 := A(i)*B;
result (i) := func_temp1 (47 downto 16);
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_mult_2x1_int ;

-- *****************************************
--* Function to add a 2x1 to a 2x1 matrix *
-- *****************************************
Function matrix_add_2x1_2x1 (A: matrix_2x1 ;B: matrix_2x1 )
Return matrix_2x1 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x1 ;
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
result (i) := A(i)+B(i);
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_add_2x1_2x1 ;

-- *****************************************
--* Function to subtract two 2x2 matrices *
-- *****************************************
Function matrix_subtract_2x2 (A,B: matrix_2x2 )
Return matrix_2x2 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x2 ;
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
For j In 1 to 2 Loop
result (i,j) := A(i,j)-B(i,j);
End Loop ;
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End matrix_subtract_2x2 ;

-- **********************************************************
--* Function to return the diagonal ( diag ) of a 2x2 matrix *
-- **********************************************************
Function diag_2x2 (A: matrix_2x2 )
Return matrix_2x1 Is
Variable result : matrix_2x1 ;
Begin --Begin function code .
For i In 1 to 2 Loop
result (i) := A(i,i);
End Loop ;
Return result ;
End diag_2x2 ;

-- ***********************
--* Begin main process . *
-- ***********************
Process ( z_position , reset ) Is

Constant dt : Signed (31 downto 0) :="00000000000000000001100110011001";

--R is the measurement noise covariance .
Constant R : Signed (31 downto 0) :="00000000000010100000000000000000";

--Q is " dynamic noise strength " ( process noise covariance ).

Constant Q : Signed (31 downto 0) :="00000000011001000000000000000000";

--G is the noise injection model .
--This was intended to be 2 rows , 1 column but is represented as1 row , 2 columns .

Constant G : matrix_2x1 :=

--This was intended to be 2 rows , 1 column but is represented as
--1 row , 2 columns .
Constant B : matrix_2x1 :=

--This was intended to be 2 rows , 1 column but is represented as
--1 row , 2 columns .
Constant Bd : matrix_2x1 :=

Constant H : matrix_1x2 :=

Constant H_prime : matrix_2x1 :=

Constant F : matrix_2x2 :=

Constant phi : matrix_2x2 :=

Constant phi_prime : matrix_2x2 :=

Constant Qd : matrix_2x2 :=

Constant Gd : matrix_2x2 :=

-- ***************************
--* Definition of Variables *
-- ***************************

Variable x : matrix_2x1 :=

Variable P : matrix_2x2 :=

Variable A : signed (31 downto 0);
Variable residual : Signed (31 downto 0);
Variable K : matrix_2x1 ;
Variable K_temp : signed (33 downto 0);
variable e : signed (33 downto 0);
variable e1 : signed (31 downto 0);


If reset = '1' Then
x :=

P :=
End If;

x := matrix_mult_2x2_2x1 (phi ,x);

P := matrix_add_2x2 (( matrix_mult_2x2 (matrix_mult_2x2 (phi ,P),phi_prime )),Qd);

A := matrix_mult_1x2_2x1 ( matrix_mult_1x2_2x2 (H,P),H_prime )+R;

K_temp := "0100000000000000000000000000000000" /A;

K := matrix_mult_2x1_int ( matrix_mult_2x2_2x1 (P,H_prime ),K_temp (31 downto 0));

residual := z_position - matrix_mult_1x2_2x1 (H,x);

x := matrix_add_2x1_2x1 (x, matrix_mult_2x1_int (K,residual));

P := matrix_subtract_2x2 (P, matrix_mult_2x2 (matrix_mult_2x1_1x2 (K,H),P));

position<= x(1);
velocity<= x(2);

End Process ;
End kf_behav;

Re: <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of

heres a big failure:

Use IEEE .std_logic_arith .All ;
Use IEEE .numeric_std.All ;

You cannot use both in the same file, as you get conflicts. Delete std_logic_arith as it is non-standard.

You dont say where the error is.

And please use the code tags.

Re: <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of

thanks for the reply...
as you are suggesting i did the same before also..but still there were an error...
please have a look in K_TEMP...there is an error...


Re: <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of

Your entire design is asynchronous, and looks alot like software. So the biggest, problem in your design is a lack of clock.

I suggest you delete your code, and draw, on paper, the circuit you are trying to achieve. VHDL is NOT a programming language.

Re: <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of

ok thanks...
lets wait others are able to understand my problem or not...
ok please tell me one thing...in cut short
there is,

Variable K_temp : signed (31 downto 0);
Variable A : signed (31 downto 0);
A has some signed value of 31 downto 0 , already calculated
K_temp := "010000000000000000000000000000000" / A;is it possible?
when i m doing this, <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of 2..this message is occuring

Re: <INVALID OPERATOR> must have constant operands or first operand must be power of

it is expecting A to be a constant AND a power of 2, then it is a simple bitshift. With A being any number, it cannot do that and needs a divider. Dividers need to be clocked, and ones that run at decent clock speeds need a few pipeline stages to complete.

But the main problem is you're writing as if VHDL is a programming language, when actually, its a description language (ie. you need to know what the circuit is before you write the code!)

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