Interviews question for C/C++ ???

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Jan 19, 2006
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I have interview for C/C++ software development? Please post your question you have faced durin ur interviews? and any advice? or any documents if there is any out.???

A favorite is, "Whats wrong with this code?" Duh, unintialised pointer.

a = 3;
b = 5;

c = a+++b;
c = ?????

I think the purpose of that question is to see if you understand a+++b. However the question is vague - we first need to assume the type of a,b,c.

Here's a wonderful collection of common C questions and answers, although they aren't necessarily interview questions:


    Points: 2
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thxn for the link and question! Well Some1 adviced me to just review the fundamental of C/C++ and I think thats most imp? but here is the question i found on net somewhere

Why C doesnot allow nested functions ?

I think there are many reasons

1] u cant define a function inside function
2] direct acces to all function is not possible

It's true that recursive functions are allowed however nested are not..

Let me knw if im wrong[/b]

basic differene between C and other prog languages like java and VB

list is as follow but may be continue to infinity

1.there may be comparision between the languages
2. Function, pointer, array, structure...etc base on C
3. Code for simple matrix multiplication, addition etc for DSP base companies
4. Dynamic memory allocation

Indians can refer "Test Your C Skill" for such questions as it is easily available over there and it is very cheap...

What are the pluses of C++ over C? - C++ is object oriented, look for such concepts as encapsulation, inheritence and polymorphism.

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