Interface between c# GUI and FPGA

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I'm with ads-ee.
We see what you post..and nothing else. If you don't post we don't see. We don't see effort on your own. I several times asked you to show what you have done ....but no response. I asked you to draw simple sketches. I gave you gave you for your requirements ... where are they?
i was asking for code because i have tried UArt core from opencores but not able to implement it
Good example.
Where is the code, the implementation, the result, the error messages?

How a forum is meant to work:
* You do internet search
* you try the solutions given in the internet
* you see that it does not work as expected, then
* you need to show us what you did, and how you tested it
* you need to tell us what you expected and what exactly does not work as expected...maybe show errot messages.

A forum does not work this way:
* asking for code. We neither will write code for you nor do we do internet searches that can be done by yourself.

Please see other forum threads how other members do that.
You will see those members that show effort get the best assistance.
Those who don't show effort... will be given a little assistance first ... but nobody will do their job.

* "don't show effort" ... does not mean that they are lazy....but it looks like...
* In the end your posts "decide" how much we get motivated and how much effort we put in

Many members are willing to give their knowledge and time without pay. They like to help, but they won't do your job.
Show them that you are thankful, curious, busy...this is what they expcet to get back..this is how they get motivated.


@Qamar Shafi
You must have heard about the adage - Self-help is the best help. One of the very good reasons why I like edaboard and the Digital Design forums is that there is almost null spoon-feeding!
There are many knowledgeable members to help you out, if you are also willing to help yourself. You cannot expect us to search out stuff for you, filter them out and then give you recommendations.

Why don't you use a search engine and find out what you need?

After searching out, you can put a post (better a separate thread) again asking for recommendations.

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