inerter transformer trouble

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Newbie level 5
Mar 9, 2011
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hello all , built a full bridge inverter using p-channel mosfet ( irf9540) for high side and n-channel mosfet(irf540) for low side . triggered the mosfets using ir2110 . the output measured by the multimeter is 12V . but on connecting the stepup transformer the output voltage drops to oV suggesting a short circuit . but the transformer works perfect as a step down trans. the same transformer when connected directly across the driver output terminals the measured input voltage is 5V and the output is 85V. battery = 12V , 5Ah , transformer 12-0-12, 1A.
will appreciate your response thank you

ir2110 is to drive n-channel ( upper and lower) not p-channel.
You are doing what is called shot-through so both transistors of the leg are turned on at the same time. Use a N-channel mosfet for the high side!

See this inverter schematics, if it applies to your requirement. You can replace with FETs available.
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yeah i know ir2110 is for driving n channel but by connecting the Vs pin of the driver to ground the limit for HO will be Vb = Vcc and Vs = gnd . so on giving Hin = +5V HO = Vcc so P-mosfet will turn off and vice versa . as for as i know the triggering pulses are correct and for the shoot through as suggested, it is a z source inverter so there wouldnt be any harm of short for a short period of time. initially for some time the output voltage was 180V and after some time of usage the voltage obatined is 5V at input and 85 V at output

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:15 ----------

and by the way is there any other way to trigger the high side n channel mosfet other than using ir2110

You say, that you are using both IR2110 channels as ground referenced ("low side") drivers, which should be basically possible.

You mentioned the "Z-source" point for the first time. I think, you should better show your circuit to avoid further misunderstandings.

is there any other way to trigger the high side n channel mosfet other than using ir2110
Yes. You should have met at least some of it in literature or at edaboard.

sorry yar attachig the rough diagram

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