Francis Fabian
Newbie level 2

As what you read in the title, I had my own Improvised Guitar Pickup. 
This pickups are no homemade, but instead, improvised. These Pickups are made from PC speakers which used to work before but stopped responding due to that it's circuit board is already broken.
And I know microphones and speakers had the same principle. They both had a Circular magnet with a coil of electrical wires around it.
Well, I started using these pickups for about a month. I liked it at first, but when I tried it on a studio, It has a lot of irritating feed backs. And of course, I can't play loud enough and enjoy the music that I'm into. :-x
Is there a way to limit the distance of recording sound covered by these pickups ? For at least 2 Inch? And of course without losing it's loudness as of how I use it in the start.
Could I just simply insert and solder transistors or resistors around the circuit or what?
Immediate feed back needed. Thanks!
Ad lastly, I don't have time for making my own pickups for I don't enough resources and budget.
Thanks! :wink:
This pickups are no homemade, but instead, improvised. These Pickups are made from PC speakers which used to work before but stopped responding due to that it's circuit board is already broken.
And I know microphones and speakers had the same principle. They both had a Circular magnet with a coil of electrical wires around it.
Well, I started using these pickups for about a month. I liked it at first, but when I tried it on a studio, It has a lot of irritating feed backs. And of course, I can't play loud enough and enjoy the music that I'm into. :-x
Is there a way to limit the distance of recording sound covered by these pickups ? For at least 2 Inch? And of course without losing it's loudness as of how I use it in the start.
Could I just simply insert and solder transistors or resistors around the circuit or what?
Immediate feed back needed. Thanks!
Ad lastly, I don't have time for making my own pickups for I don't enough resources and budget.
Thanks! :wink: