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Implementing watermarking in Matlab

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Advanced Member level 1
Dec 19, 2005
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pls someone help me on watermarking topic,
]an this will be implemented on matlab
need any help from anyone...hop you will reply to my urgent need..ty

example watermarking matlab source code

What is the sort of help you need??

i did my project in watermarking. I'll be pleased if i can help u out.

reply with apt details.


watermarking matlab finished projects

im taking up a course in audio eng,g..
then my intructor sugested that i would a watermarking...
can you help me??
can i pls take a look at your projects pls..
thx in advance

digital watermarking matlab

Well , i need to seach 4 the codes from my cds now. Its been 3 years back that i worked with it and never opened it again .

A brief intro about it i can give u and can support u in ur code wrk too.

Try working with matlab that helps u better.

I worked with .wav file as sample to achieve Digital Audio watermarking. U can use audicity to get the wav files from mp3 if am nt wrong (i think ..audocity exports wavfiles from mp3).

The technology I used was discrete wavelet transform using db6 filter.

The robi polikar notes on wavelets are excellent one to be refd.

The IEEE site gives you enough info on watermarking , say the IEEE Signal processing july2001 issue speaks a lot about digital watermarking.

If any of my mesgs was found worthy by you will be glad :)


simple watermark audio matlab

ok ...i will wait for the codes,..
and also if you have the paper.. can i ask about it
pls..thx in advance..
and also can i ask wat is "audocity"????

audocity and watermarked mp3

hey am very sorry its audacity.. i misspelled it b4.

The paper can be got from

let me know if u find it useful and please tell me what is your plan of work.

Getting you the code might take some time. meanwhile if you try it out using matlab that will be fine. what do you do?? what sort of audio signal are you processing with? what is the aim of your project?

:p i should have asked these before. no pbm..reply back when you have time


video watermarking free matlab source code

im still a stud...
maybe by matlab only il be implementing it.,,
ill try to read the paper..
but i dont have an acount on IEEE,
can you pls upload the paper for me sir?
thx in advance

Added after 3 minutes:

my plan is just simple...
i will just to try to test the watermarking...
im still a newbie on it..
pls help me
matlab program for audio watermarking using dwt

Aahhaa :cry: am not a "SIR" am a "Madam"

I can help you out with the code even now r u with matlab installed in ur pc now.. i couldnt upload the paper now. may be gime ur mail id i can send u the paper :D

Am very much interested in audio projects but i dont work with it. so as and when you read please update me too.

Try to implement watermarking in realtime , u can do it with matlab too. try connecting your mic and embed some sample speech signal into ur speech signal :D

Its really wonderful project that i still love to work with :D

wave file watermark matlab

maybe ill be working on an mp3 watermarking....
im realy trying to get stated on it..
i was planning on subband coding..
then when my instructor suggested on watermarking,
then i think this would be great help on me...
as a hopuly graduating stud....

Added after 4 minutes:

sory madam...:)
hirs my email add:
?i have a matlab installed, but im also a beginner on it..but
im very much interrested on learning on it..
super interested maam...
thx a lot maam.
can i ask wats your work maam??
im a student on Mindanao State University, Philippines..
ty in advance
best regards :)

wavelets robi polikar rar

mp3 !! thats great .
:cry:i dint know it when i graduated .It was my UG project on digital audio watermarking and digital video watermarking.

I dint know how to handle mp3 files with matlab so ended with using wav files for audio and .avi for video

Help me know to handle mp3 if possible with Matlab

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh common, now dont tease me calling me mam for every statement you make here.

Am a software engineer from INDIA . I work in C/C++ for embedded projects


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stft matlab

is it posible on REAL TIME???:?::?::?::?::?:

Added after 5 minutes:

Am a software engineer from INDIA . I work in C/C++ for embedded projects
how i wish i could be one of it!!
im using matlab everytime, but still lot to explore on it....
but matlab is a very user frendly......
my background on programing is also on C++

rapidshare wavelet watermarking

yeah... i mean... verymuch like a real time.

U run the Encoding module of watermark code ..take input from mic and start watermarking your speeh signal . save the coded file on ur PC.

Hear it using media player :)
( watermark signal shouldnt be heard from the audio file )

Then run the decoding module and see the graphical rep of the decoded signal. Save the decoded audio file or the wav file on ur PC.

hear it using media player :)

when u do it all ur self , its a miracle i say

Now isnt it a real time project :p

Added after 2 minutes:

Mailed your paper

audio watermarking using matlab project

easy for you to say maam<<-------:D:D:D:D:D
but maybe soon i can do it..hehehehheh
maybe after myu implementation in matlab...
im taking up BS electronic comunication eng'g..
got lot of hard instructor.....:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

steganography ieee rapidshare

Hey leo ,

I need this week end to find the code for you. I have it safely locked in my cupboards.

Then tell me how can i help u meanwhile. any sort of clarification that you need is welcomed.

Start working with auread and auwrite that should be fine.

actually the concept alone is really big. the code will be just 15-20 lines ..

u neednt worry at all it would work really fine :)

its all a piece of cake once u r strong with concepts

mail me abt wht u have done till now.

did u go thru the paper i sent u?

r u comfortable now with DWM

ieeexplore username and password rapidshare

leme join guyz..:) also interested in watermarking.. the creation itself and others... any documents on it?

stft watermarking

i have final task "audio watermarking based svd (singular value decomposition)"..until now i cant finished my final task..coz i dont understand programming very well..

to ashwini182 please help me... pliz send me the sourcecode audio watermarking...


matlab: random embedding watermarking concept

OOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKK done...shall give u all the docs and code sooner ...hey wht are u all doing ?? leme also know ...
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    Points: 2
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svd audio watermarking

ok i'll be waiting...u the only one i hope..

pdf for matlab code on video watermarking

OOh my god...hey i shall def post the code .But dont pin hopes just on me. Try to work more in matlab. atleast let me know what exactly you need to work ?

See it's been three years since i thought about watermarking. But as am verymuch interested in it. I can help u guys proceed and will try me best to help u get docs r codes related to the topic.

As leo did , u too tell me wht exactly you need.

@ Leo : dont worry your code will reach your mailbox sooner



digital audio watermarking free ebook

to ashwini182 offline for a week..
im still busy reading on it...
i was just starting to have my reseacrh...
maybe next week ill start on matlab..
then i will send wat i got....
realy sory.......

Added after 38 minutes:

im also trying to find a paper, this ralydiscuss on an Mp3 watermarking or any related stff..

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