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Ideas for final year project in the digital field

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Member level 2
Member level 2
Feb 17, 2006
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I'm suffering about my final year project in degree now...
but actualy i know nothing in it..
somebody can help give me a idea?
i'm interest in Digital..
hope someone can give me the idea relate with digital...

Re: Help!!!

for digital µ-controller
i made two projects in pic but acually i don't have the code of them because it was from two years
1- digital clock with adjustmant
2- frequancy meter
if you want any explanation tell me

Re: Help!!!

o... thanks ya..
i wan both the explanation in detail.,,,,,
(eventually got ppl reply me liao////// ^^ )

Re: Help!!!

concerning freq. meter count from 1 Hz to 1MHz:

i used pic 16f84A it has two ports one is 8-bits and the other is 5-bits

i used clock of freq 4 MHz

there is a pin i don't remember it; is count +edges or -edges of any signal opplied on it

it will count from 0 to 256 Hz
in order to raise this value; after counting to 256 Hz the carry flag will set
if it set the pic will start from the beginning
if the carry flag set again there is another counter to count number of setting of carry flag

then it will added all values to gather and give it to seven segment
that is freq meter
tomorrow i will post explanation of the digital clock with adjustmant

Re: Help!!!

sorry for late because yesterday i have something to do

concerning clock you should make four functions
1- delay one second
2- scan
3- delay
4- display

1- delay one second: you should calculate the delay with respect to your crystal osc.
2- scan: because of useing one pic on 6 seven segment
pic should enable each seven segment separetly so we enable each seven
segment for 1ms so your eyes can see the work simultaniosly
3- delay delay scan(delay enable of 7-seg 1ms)
4- display: fnction that can out the correct no of clk on 7-seg

to adjust the clk you should have two pins one for choose the segment you have to correct and the other is to increment the segment
finally if you want datasheet of pic16f84A and a simulator of all types of pic tell me

Re: Help!!!

thank very much to both of u provide me such info...
i now start to do the proposal for it 1st...
after that if got any problem in the practical part i wil ask again,..

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