i2c vhdl example code

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Junior Member level 3
Dec 10, 2015
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hi fireinds
i need to vhdl example code for master in i2c communication protocol , please help me :-?


A simple internet search brings a lot of hits.
Also in this forum are alot of discussions including code examples.

I assume you did a search on your own .. so what´s wrong with the results?


i found a example code for master of i2c in vhdl but i cant realize clock generation was done ! can you explain this matter for me ? thank you

- - - Updated - - -

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

ENTITY i2c_master IS
    input_clk : INTEGER := 50_000_000; --input clock speed from user logic in Hz
    bus_clk   : INTEGER := 400_000);   --speed the i2c bus (scl) will run at in Hz
    clk       : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --system clock
    reset_n   : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --active low reset
    ena       : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --latch in command
    addr      : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0); --address of target slave
    rw        : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --'0' is write, '1' is read
    data_wr   : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --data to write to slave
    busy      : OUT    STD_LOGIC;                    --indicates transaction in progress
    data_rd   : OUT    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --data read from slave
    ack_error : BUFFER STD_LOGIC;                    --flag if improper acknowledge from slave
    sda       : INOUT  STD_LOGIC;                    --serial data output of i2c bus
    scl       : INOUT  STD_LOGIC);                   --serial clock output of i2c bus
END i2c_master;

ARCHITECTURE logic OF i2c_master IS
  CONSTANT divider  :  INTEGER := (input_clk/bus_clk)/4; --number of clocks in 1/4 cycle of scl
  TYPE machine IS(ready, start, command, slv_ack1, wr, rd, slv_ack2, mstr_ack, stop); --needed states
  SIGNAL state         : machine;                        --state machine
  SIGNAL data_clk      : STD_LOGIC;                      --data clock for sda
  SIGNAL data_clk_prev : STD_LOGIC;                      --data clock during previous system clock
  SIGNAL scl_clk       : STD_LOGIC;                      --constantly running internal scl
  SIGNAL scl_ena       : STD_LOGIC := '0';               --enables internal scl to output
  SIGNAL sda_int       : STD_LOGIC := '1';               --internal sda
  SIGNAL sda_ena_n     : STD_LOGIC;                      --enables internal sda to output
  SIGNAL addr_rw       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);   --latched in address and read/write
  SIGNAL data_tx       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);   --latched in data to write to slave
  SIGNAL data_rx       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);   --data received from slave
  SIGNAL bit_cnt       : INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7 := 7;      --tracks bit number in transaction
  SIGNAL stretch       : STD_LOGIC := '0';               --identifies if slave is stretching scl

  --generate the timing for the bus clock (scl_clk) and the data clock (data_clk)
  PROCESS(clk, reset_n)
    VARIABLE count  :  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO divider*4;  --timing for clock generation
    IF(reset_n = '0') THEN                --reset asserted
      stretch <= '0';
      count := 0;
    ELSIF(clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN
      data_clk_prev <= data_clk;          --store previous value of data clock
      IF(count = divider*4-1) THEN        --end of timing cycle
        count := 0;                       --reset timer
      ELSIF(stretch = '0') THEN           --clock stretching from slave not detected
        count := count + 1;               --continue clock generation timing
      END IF;
      CASE count IS
        WHEN 0 TO divider-1 =>            --first 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '0';
          data_clk <= '0';
        WHEN divider TO divider*2-1 =>    --second 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '0';
          data_clk <= '1';
        WHEN divider*2 TO divider*3-1 =>  --third 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '1';                 --release scl
          IF(scl = '0') THEN              --detect if slave is stretching clock
            stretch <= '1';
            stretch <= '0';
          END IF;
          data_clk <= '1';
        WHEN OTHERS =>                    --last 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '1';
          data_clk <= '0';
      END CASE;
    END IF;
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Can you ask a more specific question?

The code is highly commented, so it isn't clear which part you don't understand.

It is probably because the code shown doesn't even generate the scl inout signal, as the code is incomplete, and the OP doesn't seem to be aware of that.

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