I want to know the Difference between OPtical CDMA and Wireless CDMA

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Newbie level 5
Feb 28, 2012
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Sorry house can anyone help me out with the diffrences between Optical CDMA and Wireless CDMA. I actually want to take a project on one. Can you advice me on which of the two is simpler?. I am a Master Student. Kindly assist

Hi friend,

Its better to take a project on Optical CDMA. In a single channel, shared medium, wireless network the state depends on the channel conditions. The wireless medium is much noiser than the wired medium due to fading (slow and fast), multipath effects and frequency selective fading. In wireless each condition depends on 3 states - idle, busy & collison.

Thanks so much sir, I taught as much but anytime i read paper about Optical CDMA, it will get to a certain stage where i get confused, can you help me with recommended books or Journal that are self explanatory on OCDMA sir. Thanks and at the same time I will alwyas need your help as I progress if you dont mind. Thanks sir.

I so much appreciate you posts I will go through them

Thanks sir.

I have gone through the materials, they are very useful. I think I will like to work on Multiple Access Interference in OCDMA. I am only looking for approach to it now.

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