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i want to design an E1\T1 BER

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You can use, as wrote alledauser, a T1/E1 framer after a line interface component.

Generaly , a framer include registers (counters) for :

- Framing errors F bit (T1) or TS0 (E1).
- Line code violation.
- CRC6 (T1) or CRC4 (E1) errors.
- Loss of frame alignment.
- Changes in frame alignment.

With a µC like 8031, you only need to init correctely the framer and peridicaly read each counter.

Be sure your line interface includes a impedance selection for T1 (100 ohms) and E1 (75 or 100 ohms). You can find a lot of design apps from LEVEL ONE on this subject :

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Some framers also include the line interface (LIU)

Dallas DS2155 LIU + PLL + Framer + 2*HDLC :
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Infineon FALC56 (PEB2256) LIU + PLL + Framer + 3*HDLC :

PMC Sierra COMET (PM4351) LIU + Framer + 3*HDLC

Zarlink MT9076B LIU + PLL + Framer + 3*HDLC :
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Look Dallas Semiconductor BER tester chips DS2172
it is very good solution for cheap and simple BER testers from DC up to 52MHz.

I agree with papyaki. Use a framer that includes the LIU.

I have experience with the Infineon FALC54 (older brother to the 56). Decent app notes to download, and some header files to quickly access the right register. The only complaint I have with the FALC is it feels like the T1 and E1 were two chips slapped onto one silicon. There are registers that are not the same (or have different offsets) based upon if it is in T1 mode or E1 mode. From looking at the Dallas chips datasheets, they seem to have a better handle on combining the T1 and E1 interface from a programmer's stand point, but I have no experience with their products or support.

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