I want get back linux.

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Junior Member level 2
Dec 13, 2006
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I've install windows xp.

How can i get back my linux operating system?

what can i do

I don't get it, what's exactly your question? do you already have a Linux installed or you want to install linux?

If you want to install Linux just get any distribution you like for free online, i recommend the debian based distributions like knoppix, Ubuntu or Debian.

But, if you had a linux installed, then you installed windows and you want to recover the linux sesion because always that you turn on your PC it start windows, you should try with the installer of linux again and install the Grub or Lilo, or use the live Cd and go to the Lilo.conf or grub.conf, agree your windows session and configure all your boot parameters as you want it.

if you installed window$ and owerwrote your mbr and now can't boot your linux the simplest thing to do is try bootpart:
You can use this only if you installed grub on your boot or root partition, else you'll have to reinstall grub or lilo, most distros allow you to fix your boot configuration from the install cd just chose repair as a boot paramater from the install medium

It isn't a big problem.^_^
What you have lost is the GRUB or lilo.The newly installed evil Windows has overwritten the MBR.In order to fix this problem,you can use your linux installation CD,and try to recover the according bootloader.There are lots of article teaching people how to recover Grub or lilo.

You can use the 3rd boot software such as "boot magic" to boot your Linux.

Dear thaks a lot.


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