I/O functions in Digilent DIO5 board and its connection to VIRTEX-II pro board

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Newbie level 4
Jun 3, 2016
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I am student of IIT kanpur and a novice in VLSI/ EDA.

I have reached a dead end in my project because I cannot use the DIO5 board and my FPGA board does not contain enough input output ports for me to debug my logic.

I have read the user manual of the DIGILENT DIO5 board,. but could not make much sense out of it. The FPGA board which I am using is VIRTEX-II pro development board.

So, can anyone help me here..... In accepting the input from the DIO5 board, processing it in FPGA and the output being displayed again on the DIO5 board.

Any basic example--- even glowing an LED on DIO5 using its switches will work

See first of all you have to be very specific in this forum and clear about your stand.

I have reached a dead end in my project because I cannot use the DIO5 board and my FPGA board does not contain enough input output ports for me to debug my logic.
Here you are drawing a conclusion, which means you have understood stuff.

I have read the user manual of the DIGILENT DIO5 board,. but could not make much sense out of it.
Here again you say that you have not understood things!

So for any help you need to go to specifics.

Any basic example--- even glowing an LED on DIO5 using its switches will work.
An extensive Google search might help, also look into GitHub projects.

btw - https://reference.digilentinc.com/_media/dio5/dio5_rm.pdf
In pg 16, "Appendix 1. Default CPLD configuration" is an eg project!

it would be much helpful if you could provide me with an example

According to user manual, the default CPLD is designed to interface the DIO5 board as a memory mapped peripheral in a bus, usually by a soft processor. If your design is pure HDL without a soft processor, it's till possible to use the bus interface, otherwise you would have to design redesign the CPLD.

suppose I just will to implement a counter but the output should be on the DIO5 LEDs and the clock should be provided by the Virtex-II board ... then can you give me a code of the constraints to be used

I am student .... and a novice in VLSI/ EDA.
Okay, that's where a lot of people start out.

Any basic example--- even glowing an LED on DIO5 using its switches will work
it would be much helpful if you could provide me with an example
then can you give me a code of the constraints to be used
...but you seem to be only interested in having someone else write some code for you. This forum isn't a free consulting web site.

If you want someone to write the code for you then post in the Jobs section or hire someone through guru.com or a similar site.

If instead, you want to learn something then first try to come up with a design, show what you've tried and ask for suggestions to improve or do things differently. This means in this particular case, what you are trying to build, how you split the design across the two boards, the functions each board will have to do, and the interfaces used between boards.

Or you can keep asking someone write the code for you and get ignored.

I have tried the connections myself for a longtime and still couldn't get any result so that's why I wished if someone could give an example.

Anyways, the main purpose of the DIO5 board is to provide the inputs and get the outputs processed by virtex 2 pro board.

What I could gather from their user manual was that the SW1 switch of DIO5 is connected to pin 11 of P1 connector.
Which must go to pin 29 of J6 (not sure how were the pins numbered so tried with pin 11 also) of virtex board.(assuming a straight connection between the two boards).Now, pin 29 is W6. And the LED on the virtex board is AC4. So I wote this verilog code

Code Verilog - [expand]
module led (input in,output out);
      assign out=in;

And the UCF file was
NET "out" LOC="AC4";
NET "in" LOC="W6";

but this gave no satisfactory output..

What is the Virtex II Pro board (there is more than one board out there called a VIIP development board).

Sorry!! I wasn't aware that there were multiple boards by the same name.
Mine is Virtex 2 pro development board

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